APP - I blame NeverTrumpers for mid term defeat


As the chart shows again, the GOP base didn't turn out. Why? Because as usual the republicans in Congress didn't give them a reason to.

Every since Trump announced his candidacy there has been a long line of so called "NeverTrumpers" who would rather lose and stick to some sort of principle while their supposed conservative beliefs never get implemented.

The GOP House and Senate never repealed Obamacare like they promised to

The GOP House and Senate never dealt with immigration in a real way like they promised to

Both of these issues were big reasons why Republicans were elected to BIG majorities. Many of the Republicans who lost last week were squishes who decided to distance themselves from President Trump. So instead of holding their nose for a soft democrat vote, republican voters decided to let a democrat have the seat and get rid of the squish.

So many Republicans believed the narrative that Trump would take down the party that they retired and gave up safe seats. Trump's rhetoric is not why the GOP lost last Tuesday. It was weak kneed republicans, a few of which reside on this board. I have ZERO use for them.

Unfortunately due to democrat shenanigans in Arizona we now are going to have McShamnesty clone in Utah with loser Mitt who will probably try to resurrect his failed Presidential aspirations. If he does, I will go on record now saying I would NEVER support him.

Our side can play the NEVER game too

Oh and for the NeverTrumpers that try to play the "whataboutism" game, all I can say is that our side tried it your way in the past and all we saw was defeat. Maybe you guys should suck it up and try it our way for a change. Just a thought. Or you can wrap yourself in your principles and keep losing. But, the leftists will pat you on the head and call you a good boy so that is something
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Had McShamnesty kept his promise and repealed Obamacare like he promised, the Republicans would have gained seats in the House

The GOP is undergoing a major civil war. Will the establishment win? Maybe, but they will never win another national election. They have taken conservatives for granted for too long. Conservatives finally got tired of being taken for granted. It is as simple as that