i bring you good tidings


on indefiniate mod break

40oz days and 40oz nights
well, it looks like Jesus and I need to have a talk about gun safety again. I have told him many times to keep his booger picker off the bang button. Looks like he's not listening.
LOL Booger finger...bang button. In most states it is also illegal to drink and brandish a firearm. Here in NM it is called Negligent use of a fire arm and it is a 4th degree felony.
what's gods obsession with round numbers? how come something never took 23 days or 17?
What do you mean? He hanged with 13 guys walking around telling people how imperfect they were. It took 3 days to rise from the dead. 8 days make up the "celebration of miracles" that is Hanukkah... 6 days to make the world...