I Can Tell Biden Why What He Said Was Wrong


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Joe Biden is a major participant in a conspiracy engineered by the United Nations. I would go so far as to say he is the U.N.’s first choice in the field of wannabes.

On the plus side Biden never disappoints me.

When questioned about his elaborate story, Biden denied that he did anything wrong by stringing together several anecdotes to bolster his campaign speeches.

“I was making the point how courageous these people are, how incredible they are, this generation of warriors, these fallen angels we’ve lost,” he said to Washington Post opinion columnist Jonathan Capehart. “I don’t know what the problem is. What is it that I said wrong?

Finds He Has Been Telling a Fabricated War Story From the Campaign Trail
Madison Dibble
August 30, 2019, 9:09 am


Biden called men dying for democracy in a U.N. War “ . . . fallen angels . . .”.

NOTE: Afghanistan is a United Nations war fought to install a democracy. In 18 years the U.S. military spent more time building schools and roads in order to promote the U.N.’s democracy garbage then they spent killing Muslim terrorists. I doubt very much if President Trump can pull out of Afghanistan because a complete withdrawal will be a defeat for the United Nations and for the Democracy Movement.


Biden campaigned against the Vietnam War in 1972. I suspect his opposition to the war was sincere because the U.N. opposed it. More to Biden’s point, the U.N. will never support a war fought against Communism.

John Kerry is why Biden should never mention our military men and women in any context:



Biden never called the men and women “ . . . fallen angels . . .”. his pal John Kerry got killed fighting for this country and against Communism:

You cannot put an ideology on trial in a criminal court, but Socialists/Communists can be put on trial for their greatest political victory. DEFEATING THIS COUNTRY IN VIETNAM.

The charge should be murdering thousands of American military personnel. It is shameful that nobody ever made it right for all the men who died in Vietnam after John Kerry et al. prolonged the war long enough to bring defeat to this country:


John Kerry’s treason during the Vietnam War remains unpunished.


John Kerry was not famous when he first betrayed the country. Kerry was a U.S. Senator in 1995 when General Bui Tin was interviewed:

A Primer on Why We Lost Vietnam : A Vietnamese general confirms the anti-war movement's role in the U.S. defeat.
August 06, 1995


You can bet that the crowd in Hanoi were shaking their heads in bewilderment when Kerry first went to Congress. Kerry did give the old Commies a good laugh when they saw the traitor they met in Paris in 1971 go on to run for president and later become secretary of state. In short: Bui Tin had every reason to save Kerry from disgrace by not thanking him publicly along with Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark et al.

Kerry not becoming president in 2004 was the one and only time he disappointed North Vietnam.

Every conservative would be a bald-faced liar if they spun tall tales of daring ado:

Brooks: Biden Might ‘Embellish’ for ‘Dramatic Effect’ – ‘But He’s Not Mendacious’
by Ian Hanchett
31 Aug 2019


Truth will out. Tax dollar funded Public Television cannot save Biden with an image make over:

Joe Biden is a major participant in a conspiracy engineered by the United Nations. I would go so far as to say he is the U.N.’s first choice in the field of wannabes.

QUESTION: Which one of the herd will get the New World Order crowd’s financial support? ANSWER: Even John Wayne cannot stop Democrat wannabes from stampeding toward U.N. headquarters after Biden throws in the towel.

In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that aired Friday, former Secretary of State John Kerry said the evidence against President Donald Trump in the House impeachment inquiry was “more powerful” than was there was in former President Richard Nixon’s impeachment.

Kerry said, “The evidence is powerful, some of it more powerful already than what we saw in the impeachment of Richard Nixon.”

He continued, “The evidence at this point in time certainly merits the inquiry that is taking place.”

He added, “It would be far better for democracy and the whole world if the world could see a Congress in which everybody was respecting the legitimacy of this process and let the facts tell the story.”

John Kerry: Evidence Against Trump ‘More Powerful’ Than in Nixon Impeachment
by Pam Key
25 Oct 2019


There is no statute of limitations on treason; so John Kerry is the last Democrat that should talk about evidence:

You can bet that the crowd in Hanoi were shaking their heads in bewilderment when Kerry first went to Congress. Kerry did give the old Commies a good laugh when they saw the traitor they met in Paris in 1971 go on to run for president and later become secretary of state. In short: Bui Tin had every reason to save Kerry from disgrace by not thanking him publicly along with Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark et al.

Kerry not becoming president in 2004 was the one and only time he disappointed North Vietnam.

The UN did not authorize or request the war in Afghanistan. Calling it a "United Nations war" is nonsense. The UN has not been directly interested in "installing democracy".

The only war that the UN (in its current form) did directly fight was against communism. The USSR walked out of the UN, allowing the other nations of the UN to fight the Korean War. The UN's past form was the alliance that defeated Germany in WWII, so that was also a war it directly fought. Anyway, saying the UN has never fought a war against communism is completely false.

Kerry said he "talked to" both sides in the negotiation, by which he meant he shouted at them while protesting the lack of an end to the war. That is not a meeting, and certainly not treason.