I continue to respect the master entertainer Elton John who stood test of times too.


Verified User
I truly enjoyed Elton's music of the day back in the 1980's as something to hear on the fm stereo. I just want to offer my respect to this great man and great entertainer going all the way back to the 1970's and before too. My favorite song of Elton's is 'I'm Still Standing' to which I am and to which he is too in 2021:

I truly enjoyed Elton's music of the day back in the 1980's as something to hear on the fm stereo. I just want to offer my respect to this great man and great entertainer going all the way back to the 1970's and before too. My favorite song of Elton's is 'I'm Still Standing' to which I am and to which he is too in 2021:


His adoration of Di, who was quite the mentally unstable vindictive bitch, needs to be examined.
His adoration of Di, who was quite the mentally unstable vindictive bitch, needs to be examined.

Actually there are many vindictive and treasonous bitches such as tRump his criminal family, seditious and his sold out GOPer insurrectionist insurgency and brainwashed cult followers who should be extremely examined and watch every move they make in their act of waging war on Democracy, society and the common decency of civilization at being a disgrace to America and planet Earth. Obviously something I do not believe Mr. Elton John never engaged in who's music created great inspirations to society.
Actually there are many vindictive and treasonous bitches such as tRump his criminal family, seditious and his sold out GOPer insurrectionist insurgency and brainwashed cult followers who should be extremely examined and watch every move they make in their act of waging war on Democracy, society and the common decency of civilization at being a disgrace to America and planet Earth. Obviously something I do not believe Mr. Elton John never engaged in who's music created great inspirations to society.

"I cant hear you, I have my thumbs in my ears!"