I demand your Respect

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I remember being much younger when I first started talking to all of you. Nothing used to get me more mad than have some idiot (and therefore conservative) person say "wait till you grow up, then you'll understand"

Well now it's 4 years later and I still don't get any respect. I'm clearly better than all of you.

I'm sick of it all.

I've read more books than you. Ask me anything about joyce, or faulkner. I've read some things here and there by them. And I've wikipedia'd their writing style extensively to fill in the blanks. I'm an expert on literature, you are not. Take for instance post-structualism:

the movement is closely related to postmodernism but the two concepts are not synonymous. Anti-humanism, as a rejection of the enlightenment subject, is often a central tenet. Similarly, existential-phenomenology is of considerable influence.

Did you know that? Of course you didn't. I'm a child prodigy from mississippi. Did you know I'm a double major? I know so much. You probably don't even read books. If you are a conservative, you probably don't even read.

I have a book of quotes by my bed, which I read before going to bed at night, and before my afternoon nap. You probably don't do this either. This makes me smile to know that there are people in the world not doing the things I'm doing.

At school all the stupid conservative kids have girlfriends. How come the girls don't see how smart I am? Why don't they like me? Don't they understand I'm going to be president someday? Or at the very least run 4 companies and be an astronaut? I'm sensitive, I can cry every now and then, so why don't they like me?!

I fucking hate people, I hate fucking everyone. No one understands me. Fuck this place, fuck you guys. fucking kill conservatives. They are scum. The president should put them all in jail.
I remember being much younger when I first started talking to all of you. Nothing used to get me more mad than have some idiot (and therefore conservative) person say "wait till you grow up, then you'll understand"

Well now it's 4 years later and I still don't get any respect. I'm clearly better than all of you.

I'm sick of it all.

I've read more books than you. Ask me anything about joyce, or faulkner. I've read some things here and there by them. And I've wikipedia'd their writing style extensively to fill in the blanks. I'm an expert on literature, you are not. Take for instance post-structualism:

the movement is closely related to postmodernism but the two concepts are not synonymous. Anti-humanism, as a rejection of the enlightenment subject, is often a central tenet. Similarly, existential-phenomenology is of considerable influence.

Did you know that? Of course you didn't. I'm a child prodigy from mississippi. Did you know I'm a double major? I know so much. You probably don't even read books. If you are a conservative, you probably don't even read.

I have a book of quotes by my bed, which I read before going to bed at night, and before my afternoon nap. You probably don't do this either. This makes me smile to know that there are people in the world not doing the things I'm doing.

At school all the stupid conservative kids have girlfriends. How come the girls don't see how smart I am? Why don't they like me? Don't they understand I'm going to be president someday? Or at the very least run 4 companies and be an astronaut? I'm sensitive, I can cry every now and then, so why don't they like me?!

I fucking hate people, I hate fucking everyone. No one understands me. Fuck this place, fuck you guys. fucking kill conservatives. They are scum. The president should put them all in jail.

Respect this......:321:
I remember being much younger when I first started talking to all of you. Nothing used to get me more mad than have some idiot (and therefore conservative) person say "wait till you grow up, then you'll understand"

Well now it's 4 years later and I still don't get any respect. I'm clearly better than all of you.

I'm sick of it all.

I've read more books than you. Ask me anything about joyce, or faulkner. I've read some things here and there by them. And I've wikipedia'd their writing style extensively to fill in the blanks. I'm an expert on literature, you are not. Take for instance post-structualism:

the movement is closely related to postmodernism but the two concepts are not synonymous. Anti-humanism, as a rejection of the enlightenment subject, is often a central tenet. Similarly, existential-phenomenology is of considerable influence.

Did you know that? Of course you didn't. I'm a child prodigy from mississippi. Did you know I'm a double major? I know so much. You probably don't even read books. If you are a conservative, you probably don't even read.

I have a book of quotes by my bed, which I read before going to bed at night, and before my afternoon nap. You probably don't do this either. This makes me smile to know that there are people in the world not doing the things I'm doing.

At school all the stupid conservative kids have girlfriends. How come the girls don't see how smart I am? Why don't they like me? Don't they understand I'm going to be president someday? Or at the very least run 4 companies and be an astronaut? I'm sensitive, I can cry every now and then, so why don't they like me?!

I fucking hate people, I hate fucking everyone. No one understands me. Fuck this place, fuck you guys. fucking kill conservatives. They are scum. The president should put them all in jail.

I don't respect internationlist fascist fucktards. sorry. I don't respect you. You are immoral and believe in totalitarianism. Stop whining.
I remember being much younger when I first started talking to all of you. Nothing used to get me more mad than have some idiot (and therefore conservative) person say "wait till you grow up, then you'll understand"

Well now it's 4 years later and I still don't get any respect. I'm clearly better than all of you.

I'm sick of it all.

I've read more books than you. Ask me anything about joyce, or faulkner. I've read some things here and there by them. And I've wikipedia'd their writing style extensively to fill in the blanks. I'm an expert on literature, you are not. Take for instance post-structualism:

the movement is closely related to postmodernism but the two concepts are not synonymous. Anti-humanism, as a rejection of the enlightenment subject, is often a central tenet. Similarly, existential-phenomenology is of considerable influence.

Did you know that? Of course you didn't. I'm a child prodigy from mississippi. Did you know I'm a double major? I know so much. You probably don't even read books. If you are a conservative, you probably don't even read.

I have a book of quotes by my bed, which I read before going to bed at night, and before my afternoon nap. You probably don't do this either. This makes me smile to know that there are people in the world not doing the things I'm doing.

At school all the stupid conservative kids have girlfriends. How come the girls don't see how smart I am? Why don't they like me? Don't they understand I'm going to be president someday? Or at the very least run 4 companies and be an astronaut? I'm sensitive, I can cry every now and then, so why don't they like me?!

I fucking hate people, I hate fucking everyone. No one understands me. Fuck this place, fuck you guys. fucking kill conservatives. They are scum. The president should put them all in jail.
Wait till you grow up. You'll understand. :pke:
I remember being much younger when I first started talking to all of you. Nothing used to get me more mad than have some idiot (and therefore conservative) person say "wait till you grow up, then you'll understand"

Well now it's 4 years later and I still don't get any respect. I'm clearly better than all of you.

I'm sick of it all.

I've read more books than you. Ask me anything about joyce, or faulkner. I've read some things here and there by them. And I've wikipedia'd their writing style extensively to fill in the blanks. I'm an expert on literature, you are not. Take for instance post-structualism:

the movement is closely related to postmodernism but the two concepts are not synonymous. Anti-humanism, as a rejection of the enlightenment subject, is often a central tenet. Similarly, existential-phenomenology is of considerable influence.

Did you know that? Of course you didn't. I'm a child prodigy from mississippi. Did you know I'm a double major? I know so much. You probably don't even read books. If you are a conservative, you probably don't even read.

I have a book of quotes by my bed, which I read before going to bed at night, and before my afternoon nap. You probably don't do this either. This makes me smile to know that there are people in the world not doing the things I'm doing.

At school all the stupid conservative kids have girlfriends. How come the girls don't see how smart I am? Why don't they like me? Don't they understand I'm going to be president someday? Or at the very least run 4 companies and be an astronaut? I'm sensitive, I can cry every now and then, so why don't they like me?!

I fucking hate people, I hate fucking everyone. No one understands me. Fuck this place, fuck you guys. fucking kill conservatives. They are scum. The president should put them all in jail.

I remember being much younger when I first started talking to all of you. Nothing used to get me more mad than have some idiot (and therefore conservative) person say "wait till you grow up, then you'll understand"

No, there are things that make me madder.

Well now it's 4 years later and I still don't get any respect. I'm clearly better than all of you.

I'm better than god.

I've read more books than you. Ask me anything about joyce, or faulkner.

Never read a book by either.

And I've wikipedia'd their writing style extensively to fill in the blanks. I'm an expert on literature, you are not.


Take for instance post-structualism:

the movement is closely related to postmodernism but the two concepts are not synonymous. Anti-humanism, as a rejection of the enlightenment subject, is often a central tenet. Similarly, existential-phenomenology is of considerable influence.

LOLZ. Just what a n00b would pull up to pretend they knew a lot about literature.

All I kind say about post-structuralism and other post-literary movements is that they don't make fucking sense and are pretentious.

Did you know that?

They basically said nothing.

I'm a child prodigy from mississippi.

Most child prodigies make higher than a 3.0 GPA.

Did you know I'm a double major?

Everyone is these days.

You probably don't even read books.

They probably don't.

If you are a conservative, you probably don't even read.

Conservatives don't read because they can't read.

I have a book of quotes by my bed, which I read before going to bed at night,

No I don't. That would be boring and unoriginal. I think the vast majority of quotes are retarded.

and before my afternoon nap.

I don't take naps. Too much stuff to do on teh interwebs.

You probably don't do this either. This makes me smile to know that there are people in the world not doing the things I'm doing.


At school all the stupid conservative kids have girlfriends.

It really depends on whether they're fat or not. Conservatives have a tendency to get fat (since they believe that healthy diets are evil government conspiracies), so they generally have fewer girlfriends per capita than liberals.

How come the girls don't see how smart I am?

Because I don't boast about how smart I am. It's not like I'm a genius.

Why don't they like me?

Where have I ever blamed women for my problems with women? You forgot that I'm a male feminist:


Don't they understand I'm going to be president someday?

As soon as I get a couple of billion, sure.

Or at the very least run 4 companies

Not interested in business.

and be an astronaut?

The scientific product of astronauts is extremely limited. I think the whole manned space program is a giant waste of money - there's practically no science being done and we aren't really exploring. It's just makework so we can avoid making real investments in space exploration.

I'm sensitive, I can cry every now and then, so why don't they like me?!


But I don't tell them that.

I fucking hate people, I hate fucking everyone.

Just Americans and Conservatives. Otherwise I'm fulla love.

No one understands me. Fuck this place, fuck you guys. fucking kill conservatives. They are scum. The president should put them all in jail.


But jail? That is disgustingly, outrageously lenient for conservative scum.
I google effeminate men all the time. We should trade website urls
Why did two people respond to this troll as if it was seriously Watermark???

Anyway, I give this troll 2 Thumbs Up. Well done, I hope you will continue posting. :thup: :thup: