APP - I disagree Mr Trump


Former Vice President

JPP lefties have this belief that many on the right will defend EVERYTHING Trump does or says.

So I thought I would take the opportunity to highlight a significant policy difference I have with President Trump. I think this idea of "reimporting" drugs from Canada is the dumbest thing in the world. First of all it presupposes that Canada wants to subsidize our prescriptions the way they subsidize their own.

Secondly it is just bad policy. If you really want to bring down the cost of prescription drugs take insurance and the gobblement out of the picture as they always drive up costs. Let patients pay CASH for their prescriptions and costs/prices would come down.

There are very few disease states for which there isn't an effective generic medication that is available. If patients paid cash, they would make better economic decisions with their physician based on their needs and desire to pay.

It is simple economics