APP - I disagree with bombing Syria


1) Trump has no authority to do so. Bombing another country is an act of war. Congress needs to declare war.

2) Assad could not have used chemical weapons in his people because Obama and John Kerry had an agreement which eliminated 100% of Assad’s chemical weapons and Obama/Kerry are never wrong

3) Politically he opens himself up to accusations of wagging the dog

4) Even if Assad did gas his people, who cares? It isn’t our business. Wee need to stop meddling around the Middle East

Bad decision President Trump. You let the neocon war hawks get to you
Congress doesn't need to declare war for the president to use force. There's nothing in the constitution that says so. All the constitution does is give congress the right to officially declare something as a "war". You should read the federalist papers, there's a reason they didn't restrict the president in this regard.