APP - I Do Not Believe Labor Has Adequate Representation In Our Government.


Diversity Makes Greatness
I Don't Believe Labor Has Adequate Representation In Our Government.

Very simple logic here:

During the course of history in our nation, capitalists have flourished, but labor has not.

Money = power.

Management and Ownership of Business have lots of money.

Labor does not.

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The vast resources of Capitalists buys them outsized influence over our government.

Labor lacks matching resources, and thus lacks equal representation in government.

Our government, as a result of this imbalance of power, favors capitalists over workers. The greedier the capitalists are, the more favor they accrue.

As a result of this, wealth inequality has grown to epic proportions, and continues to grow. The more wealth capitalists accrue, the more their power grows.

I do not believe this is what our founders intended. Maybe we should correct that, and change our entire approach to government.

Should The United States Constitution be amended to rectify this?

Should we also study other nation's structure, and also consider whether government should change the basic structure of Large Corporations to require proportional representation of Labor on Corporate Boards?
Governments in capitalist states are the central committees of the local boss class, and exist to serve their interests, unfortunately. If you want to change that you are every kind of devil, denounced by their media. Happy days!
During the course of history in our nation, capitalists have flourished, but labor has not.

why do you believe they are opposites?.......working for a wage to obtain the money for what you want to accomplish is a microcosm of capitalism........the opposite of capitalism would be sitting at home expecting the government to support you......

Labor lacks matching resources, and thus lacks equal representation in government.

here in Michigan the historical foundation of state politics is the power of unions........
For a while we had strong unions.

Big money didn't like that.

Labor unions fought big money and big money won.

America is deep in a Class War and the Rich Class won.

But they aren't happy with winning.

So they have to STICK IT TO YOU more and more.

You can't give in with them.

There is no saying OK enough I give up.

They are relentless and they will bleed you for all they can.

Until we rise up together. Liberals and conservatives alike.

Stop believing their BS.

Stand WITH the 99%.

Stand up AGAINST people like Trump.

