I don't like cheese


I really like to put that cheese in my mouth, and eat it. Unfortunately, however, upon spurrious consideration by the three browed malfidors of Texas, it has been decided upon that we shouldn't care.

So I tell them, "See that, I don't care?" And they nod, saddened by the agreement, and slowly arrange themselves into a sychronized line as they scuttle out of the building, amazed by the coolness and apathy of the statement.

And I wonder, to myself, why everyone always says they like cheese whenever they have nothing else to say? I will cast that aside, for it is unnecessary, and is an infringement upon my goal, the perfection of WM.
When I order a pizza, this is what I say, and I'm not kidding.

"Imagine the most cheese you've ever seen on a pizza, and double it over and over. If it looks like a crust floating in cheese soup, it would still not be enough cheese, but close. Charge me whatever you have to, and if there's enough cheese, there will be a generous tip."
y'all don't know what real cheese is. Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Cheese Whiz, its all a big freaking joke.

I had a Danish girlfriend who turned me onto all the great european cheeses.

....among other things. ;)
Oh it's the "devil's work" is it? A teen weeny bit of constipation and "it's the devil's work"?

You've been listening to "The Archers" too long :D

One barely has the time to settle down in front of the wireless, to catch the latest news from Ambridge, what with avoiding cheese and being lured away by the fate of Alf Roberts in Summer Bay and the next operatic twist in the long running Karl and Susan Kennedy tryst being played out on the streets of Erinsborough. (look away American readers you are out of your depth here)
I feel disposed to respond, "the answer lies in the soil" in a slightly nasal West Country accent... but I doubt if Arthur Fallowfield found any cheese there, so it musn't have been the answer after all. Arthur should have checked with the Neighbours, plenty of cheese there I think.

PepperJack,Mozarella,sharp cheddar,parmesan...any spicey cheese is heaven...! What would pizza or spagetti or any Italian food/Mexican be without a cheese topper..some French dishes also!:)
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Extra sharp cheddar is heaven. I dont care what you eruophiles say.

Cheddar? That's be the style of cheese that's called Cheddar because it was invented in Cheddar, England wouldn't it? :D

We have the world's best cheddar - King Island Dairy :D

I'm being provocatively jingoistic of course ;)