I Dream Of A US System Where Nobody Gets Paid To Prevent You From Getting Health Care


Diversity Makes Greatness
Medicare for All is not enough.

We really need a National Health Service.

Where doctors live very good lives and are well rewarded for their hard work.

And everybody gets all the treatment they need without ever getting a bill for it.

Nobody dies because they can't afford health care.

Nobody goes broke or has to give up everything because of a medical event in their life.

We can do this. We are a very rich country.

Cubans live longer than we do, for crying out loud.

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer? If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

Why should anybody get paid to deny health care to people who thought it was supposed to be covered?

Why should that even be a job?

Who makes up these rules?

Oh yeah. The super-rich insurance and big pharma profiteers who are rich because they control our health care system and much of our government. The 'job creators.'

Come on, people.

We can do better.
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The insurance companies are in the healthcare denial business. As long as they make more money stopping you from accessing the healthcare you have paid for, they will do it. Get sick and see what kind of pain they will put you through. Forms, letter, phonecalls and emails all with someone who is looking for a way to deny your treatment. Recission is my favorite. How they came up with that disgusting idea and had the nerve to use it is confounding. All insurance adds is cost and complication to an overburdened system .
A much better system with much better care with less cost is possible if we get healthcaredenial and obscene profit out of the picture.
Hello Celticguy,

It doesnt bother you that nowhere does such a magical system exist ?

Many such better systems already exist and there is no magic involved. The main difference is that nobody is getting fabulously wealthy off the better systems. There, the goal is the best health care outcome for the people. Unlike our system, everybody is covered in those systems.

The PPACA, also known as Obamacare or the Affordable Healthcare Act, was an attempt to correct the travesty which existed before it, but since the insurance industry was so heavily involved, it doesn't go far enough. Back in the days of pre-existing conditions and patient dumping the PPACA seemed like a huge step forward. Now we know we have to do more. And now is the time. We have had it with greed and profiteering being the goal of our health care system.

Nobody should have the job of seeing how many claims they can deny. That is working toward profits, and against good health.

We need a system where the best health outcome for everybody is the goal.

We can put the people in office in 2020 who will fulfill that goal.

We shall make that our resolve.

Universal healthcare will make America greater.
Our system pays doctors by the procedure instead of the results. American care is a mess that is easily corrected but those making money off it will not give it up.
Hello Nordberg,

Our system pays doctors by the procedure instead of the results. American care is a mess that is easily corrected but those making money off it will not give it up.

In Great Britain, doctors can increase their pay if their patients lower their high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. Many doctors in Great Britain live in million dollar homes and drive fine cars while working for the government and performing government health care.

Our health care costs more than theirs because we get so sick. There is no incentive for our health care system to reduce getting sick. We need to work towards creating a healthier nation. The less we use our health care, the less it will cost us all.
Hello Celticguy,

Many such better systems already exist and there is no magic involved. The main difference is that nobody is getting fabulously wealthy off the better systems. There, the goal is the best health care outcome for the people. Unlike our system, everybody is covered in those systems.

The PPACA, also known as Obamacare or the Affordable Healthcare Act, was an attempt to correct the travesty which existed before it, but since the insurance industry was so heavily involved, it doesn't go far enough. Back in the days of pre-existing conditions and patient dumping the PPACA seemed like a huge step forward. Now we know we have to do more. And now is the time. We have had it with greed and profiteering being the goal of our health care system.

Nobody should have the job of seeing how many claims they can deny. That is working toward profits, and against good health.

We need a system where the best health outcome for everybody is the goal.

We can put the people in office in 2020 who will fulfill that goal.

We shall make that our resolve.

Universal healthcare will make America greater.

The outcome of all such attempts is rationed care.
Without the profit motive docs dont see all the patients they can meaning waits. Such a wait cost my canadian friend her life.
The outcome of all such attempts is rationed care.
Without the profit motive docs dont see all the patients they can meaning waits. Such a wait cost my canadian friend her life.

We have rationed care in America. We have waits in America. We have worse healthcare results than other countries do. My Canadian friend got a heart transplant and it was free. My Canadian friends laugh when I ask if they would prefer our system.
Many doctors seek the profession to become rich, but while you are working, you are not fixated on money, but just doing the job as well as you can.
Over a million American use Medical Tourism. They go abroad to get medical care and save money by doing it. You can go to a tropical vacation spot, get a procedure done and return a week later having saved money. They would not go abroad if they were afraid of getting worse medical care. Most of the doctors have the same qualifications and went to the same medical schools as our doctors.
It doesnt bother you that nowhere does such a magical system exist ?

Some partial semblance of it does. It's okay to lay out a blueprint of what you would LIKE to SEE, even if some expectations are difficult to cast as feasible. I'd like there to be world peace, but I'll settle happily for an end to war for profit by the USA for starters.

I'd like to see workable nuclear fusion but I can settle for thorium modular reactors.

And I'd like to see our society cheerfully invest in adequate health care for everyone so that we don't wind up with a society burdened by millions of sick people, unable to be productive and caring.

I'll settle for a public option with an affordable second tier system of gap policies to fill in what the public option can't or won't cover, and an expansion of a Medicare buy in for 55 year olds.
Medicare for All is not enough.

We really need a National Health Service.

Where doctors live very good lives and are well rewarded for their hard work.

And everybody gets all the treatment they need without ever getting a bill for it.

Nobody dies because they can't afford health care.

Nobody goes broke or has to give up everything because of a medical event in their life.

We can do this. We are a very rich country.

Cubans live longer than we do, for crying out loud.

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer? If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

Why should anybody get paid to deny health care to people who thought it was supposed to be covered?

Why should that even be a job?

Who makes up these rules?

Oh yeah. The super-rich insurance and big pharma profiteers who are rich because they control our health care system and much of our government. The 'job creators.'

Come on, people.

We can do better.

FORCED LABOR for All is not enough.

We really need a National FORCED TO WORK Service.

Where SKILLED LABOR live very good lives and are well rewarded for their hard work.

And everybody gets all the treatment they need without ever getting a bill for it.

Nobody dies because they can't afford SKILLED LABOR.

Nobody goes broke or has to give up everything because of a medical event in their life.

We can FORCED TO this. We are a very rich country of SKILLED LABOR.

Country Bumpkins live longer than we do, for crying out loud.

Why should SKILLED LABOR get paid to deny FORCED LABOR to people who thought it was supposed to be covered?

Why should that even be a job?

Who makes up these SKILLED LABORERS?

Oh yeah. The super-rich SKILLED LABOR and big SKILLED LABOR profiteers who are rich because they control our FORCED LABOR and much of our SKILLED LABOR. The 'job creators.'


We can do YOUR JOB better.

Musical chairs and ponzie schemes go round and round…
Hello Celticguy,

The outcome of all such attempts is rationed care.

The insurance industry IS rationed care. It has become a luxury only available to the rich. It is not affordable to the poor. They actually pay people to see how much care they can DENY. The more care they deny, the more they are paid. This is an example of the profit motive working AGAINST producing the best health outcome. Many have died due to denied care under this application of the profit motive. And because not everyone can afford insurance, many more die for lack of insurance under the profit motive system. I dream of a health care system where nobody gets paid to deny care, and nobody dies because they can't afford profit-oriented health care.

Without the profit motive docs dont see all the patients they can meaning waits.

I disagree. Doctors serve in many capacities besides the profit motive all over the world. The USA is nearly unique in making doctors elite rich people who pick and choose their patients based on ability to pay. We don't want doctors to be rushed by greed. We want doctors who do a thorough job for EVERYBODY, not just the rich. We want doctors who are dedicated to the best health outcome. The correct amount of time per patient cannot be known until the doctor and the patient discuss the ailment and the doctor has a chance to thoroughly examine the patient. If wait times are excessive it indicates we need more doctors. Unproductive doctors can easily be identified by comparing statistics. Most workers, including doctors, want to do a good job and want to have a sense of accomplishment and purpose. The profit motive is not required to generate that.

Such a wait cost my canadian friend her life.

First of all, I am very sorry you have lost your friend. Secondly, I have to wonder if your interpretation of the situation is comprehensively accurate.

Making health care a right will make the USA greater. People in other nations LAUGH AT US when they consider if they want a system like ours. They resoundingly say: "No WAY!" There is NO movement in Canada to reform their health care system and make it more like ours. And there is a reason there is no such movement. They LIKE WHAT THEY HAVE and they don't want what we have.
Medicare for All is not enough.

We really need a National Health Service.

Where doctors live very good lives and are well rewarded for their hard work.

And everybody gets all the treatment they need without ever getting a bill for it.

Nobody dies because they can't afford health care.

Nobody goes broke or has to give up everything because of a medical event in their life.

We can do this. We are a very rich country.

Cubans live longer than we do, for crying out loud.

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer: If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer? If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it. If you don't see me, PoliTalker, posting in this thread check the author. This might be a hijacked thread, not the original.

Why should anybody get paid to deny health care to people who thought it was supposed to be covered?

Why should that even be a job?

Who makes up these rules?

Oh yeah. The super-rich insurance and big pharma profiteers who are rich because they control our health care system and much of our government. The 'job creators.'

Come on, people.

We can do better.

Yup...this is where the problem meets the road.

The profit motive has doctors in the repeated, "see me in 3 months" mode...where "see me if any problems develop" should be the case.
Hello bhaktajan,

FORCED LABOR for All is not enough.

We really need a National FORCED TO WORK Service.

Where SKILLED LABOR live very good lives and are well rewarded for their hard work.

And everybody gets all the treatment they need without ever getting a bill for it.

Nobody dies because they can't afford SKILLED LABOR.

Nobody goes broke or has to give up everything because of a medical event in their life.

We can FORCED TO this. We are a very rich country of SKILLED LABOR.

Country Bumpkins live longer than we do, for crying out loud.

Why should SKILLED LABOR get paid to deny FORCED LABOR to people who thought it was supposed to be covered?

Why should that even be a job?

Who makes up these SKILLED LABORERS?

Oh yeah. The super-rich SKILLED LABOR and big SKILLED LABOR profiteers who are rich because they control our FORCED LABOR and much of our SKILLED LABOR. The 'job creators.'


We can do YOUR JOB better.

Musical chairs and ponzie schemes go round and round…

Most of what you've edited now makes no sense. Most American workers work hard without the profit motive. Most American workers don't get paid any more for working hard than they do for just showing up. The motivation they have to work hard is if they don't, they get fired. They work hard, not for the incentive of higher pay, but out of fear of losing their job, their income, and their health care. Most Americans would never consider going on a general strike because they don't want to lose their job, their income, their home, or their health care.

In France the government fears the people. If the workers go on strike, it shuts everything down.

In America the people fear the government. Conservatives tend to be very fearful of the government.

Let me just say something.

The government works for We, The People.

The biggest problem with our government is the POWER of BIG MONEY buying government off.

Government is not the problem.

Big money corruption, THE DC SWAMP, is the problem.

President Trump promised to fix that. Instead, he has made it worse.

President Trump IS the swamp.

President Trump doesn't serve the American public, as he is supposed to.

President Trump serves THE SUPER-RICH.

President Trump promised us a 'great' health care system that everybody was going to 'love.'

All he did was wreck the PPACA and make it worse.

President Trump LIED, broke his promise, and let us down.

We need to get rid of Trump, and elect a president and more legislators who are truly there to serve the American public.

Then maybe we can get the health care system we need.

One that covers everybody, keeps costs low, and does not link health care to employment.

Health care should be a RIGHT, regardless of ability to work or pay.
Review all the criteria and none qualify.

All do. They cover you from birth. They cover you your whole life. You don't go bankrupt if you get sick. They have longer lives and are healthier because they can access the system without worries. The health care ,in every single industrial nation, is rated higher than ours.
HEllo Nordberg,

All do. They cover you from birth. They cover you your whole life. You don't go bankrupt if you get sick. They have longer lives and are healthier because they can access the system without worries. The health care ,in every single industrial nation, is rated higher than ours.

Simply the stress of not knowing that everything is covered is a health risk.

Most countries with universal health care don't have people who are paid to, and get bonuses for, denying care.

Every day somebody like that works, it hurts our country.

It is a negative job.

And it lowers our GDP.
Hello Celticguy,

It doesnt bother you that nowhere does such a magical system exist ?

What does that mean? Seems pretty apparent that many very effective systems exist in other industrialized nations. Everybody is covered, they pay less, they live longer. Hello. What the heck is the problem with any of those things?