I exposed Nazis — I know it’s time to call out Trump

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
A long time ago, when I was an investigative reporter, I hunted Nazis.

They were living out the twilight of their lives in Canada, enjoying a quiet, comfortable retirement with a government pension, to boot.

I made it a priority to find them and make their agreeable lives decidedly less agreeable. It was my modest way of ensuring that these murderers were held to some measure of account for the monstrous crimes they perpetrated – mostly against Jewish families...................

My encounter with that old Nazi came to mind when I read that the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, had an intimate dinner with the young, Holocaust-denying white supremacist, Nick Fuentes; rapper Ye — formerly known as Kanye West — and other repellant company at his home in Florida late last month.

With Fuentes by his side, Ye later confirmed his neo-Nazi bona fides by admitting to elementary school massacre denier, Alex Jones, that: “I like Hitler.”

Predictably, Trump whined that he had been set up by his neo-Nazi guests, who tried to convince him to become Ye’s presidential running mate.

For too long, the polite commentariat has been reluctant to admit the obvious: the Republican Party is today a welcoming place to America’s legion of fascists. It is led, in effect, by a fascist who greets Hitler-adoring fascists with courtesy and respect at Mar-a-Lago.

I can recall when silly pundits and historians chided columnists like me who knew that Trump and his MAGA hat-wearing disciples were the latest iterations of a fascist strain that is an undeniable aspect of America’s political and cultural history. Trump’s convivial dinner with Fuentes and Ye is only the most recent evidence that he is an unrepentant fascist who admires other fascists.

Fascists and their sympathisers must be confronted, not understood. In the streets, at Mar-a-Lago and in the White House.

Otherwise, we will be guilty of appeasing white tiki-torch-wielding thugs who, if offered the opportunity, would do what they have done before: corral and then destroy people for praying to a different god or no god at all; for loving who they want to love; for being sick or disabled; and for subscribing to humanity rather than hate.

We cannot tolerate the intolerable. That is the true meaning of resistance. So, our course is clear: We have to acknowledge evil where it not only exists, but thrives, and then defeat it by whatever means necessary. To shy away from this duty at this urgent hour risks placating the vile likes of Ye, Nick Fuentes, Donald Trump and Josef Nemsila.
The true patriots, the true lovers of America and American ideals, are those who speak out and stand up against the Trumps and the DeSantises and the rest of those whose lust for power antithetical to democracy.