I feel at home again


This is the first time in a long time I have felt truely at home here.

The comments were flying and people were talking.

I would love it if every time I came there was this much non stop responding at this site.

Its what I live for and its what makes me love talking politics.

I have to go for the day but look forward to coming back tomarrow.

See you tomarrow.
See you in two months, Desh!

j/k, that's how long you seem to bail sometimes. Cheers, and see ya.
I like the Whatever Goes board better than Politics or other news stuff. Politics these days is just so bitter.

Maybe that statement seem hypocritical, but I'm mainly bitter just because I'm around the bitter. The less bitterness and anger I take in, the better.
Desh, I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday while I was posting. It was fun. Yes, we disagree but I come to this board to talk politics. Can't do that without disagreement. But I am also with Watermark that the politics these days is so bitter it is downright distasteful...so I come here and don't watch the political shows.
Yes its bitter but that is what happnes when LIES are believed instead of truth.

Out for the day
I have just been thinking that there is little actual debate anymore. It just turns into name-calling and flame wars after one or two posts.

The bickering is losing its charm, I suppose.
I have just been thinking that there is little actual debate anymore. It just turns into name-calling and flame wars after one or two posts.

The bickering is losing its charm, I suppose.
There is still some debate to be had, but for the most part you're right. It's the same reason I don't watch WWE anymore. I know pretty much everything that's going to happen on any given night. Just like I know the way most of the posts in the political discussion will go.
More irony. The biggest offender whining about vitriol.

Oh please, not this nonsense again. Yes, I have nothing but contempt for you. I have not denied this.

Biggest offender? That is a laugh. I have tried over, and over, and over to engage you in meaningful debate. But you refuse to debate and offer only insults and bullshit.

You are one of the most obnoxious people on these boards.
Oh please, not this nonsense again. Yes, I have nothing but contempt for you. I have not denied this.

Biggest offender? That is a laugh. I have tried over, and over, and over to engage you in meaningful debate. But you refuse to debate and offer only insults and bullshit.

You are one of the most obnoxious people on these boards.
I thought it was me. I mean that would explain why I'm always the first one to get lynched in the Werewolf game.