APP - I finally figured it out II


The right wing conservative, usually republican, is unable to accept the complexity of life in an open free society. They must then apply to the other their own sense of resentment and oppression regardless of how valid their feelings are. Freedom is alien to the right in America, they are uncomfortable in an America that lives up to its values of all men being endowed by their creator.

Victimhood then becomes white, for the American conservative no longer feels comfortable in a free society in which gays and trans are able to live as they were created. Image matters to the right and their image excludes even the blacks who have been in America since its beginning. The conservative must assign motive to the other so they call up guilt failing to realize it is their guilt as pretend Americans that confuses them.

Slowly this changes as gay marriage legislation demonstrates, but for many American conservatives they cannot escape the groupthink that defines the other and so they pretend some utopian America existed even as they fail to understand or live up to the real history of America and the effort it has made to live up to its preamble promise.

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." Dwight D. Eisenhower
As usual you mislead. There has been no gay marriage legislation that has been passed by voters. It was brought about by black robes.

Strike 1
As usual you mislead. There has been no gay marriage legislation that has been passed by voters. It was brought about by black robes.

Strike 1

Alice you gave yourself away, you're not American are you? Troll ? from where and paid for? Our courts do not legislate, and the legislative history is clear. Read about America legislative efforts below.

"Ideally citizens are to think of themselves as if they were legislators and ask themselves what statutes, supported by what reasons satisfying the criterion of reciprocity, they would think is most reasonable to enact." John Rawls

PS Alice in your 'About Me' profile can you tell us a bit about your background and nationality?
Conservatism has morphed from a political philosophy to a form of angry resentment. That anger has taken murderous form, as the church murders in SC and the recent car murder in Charlottesville illustrate. We have gone from the likes of Barry Goldwater and Bill Buckley to Nazi gangs.

To be sure, there is a small area of overlap between Conservative and Nazi but not nearly enough to obscure their profound differences. The conservative political movement founded in the 1960s is dying. It leaves behind a dwindling group of angry, uneducated whites who have been tricked into voting for a thrice-married Manhattan billionaire in the belief that he understands their desperation and has their issues at heart. That residue is being washed away by the rising tide of the twenty-first century.
It leaves behind a dwindling group of angry, uneducated whites who have been tricked into voting for a thrice-married Manhattan billionaire in the belief that he understands their desperation and has their issues at heart .
After Nov. 8 I've met a Mormon anesthesiologist, several black guys, Asians (Hmong in particular) and independents who are avid Trump supporters. I was surprised actually.
The right wing conservative, usually republican, is unable to accept the complexity of life in an open free society.

this seems to imply that you believe left wing liberals ARE able to accept the complexity of life in an open free society, is that what you're saying?
Conservatism has morphed from a political philosophy to a form of angry resentment. That anger has taken murderous form, as the church murders in SC and the recent car murder in Charlottesville illustrate. We have gone from the likes of Barry Goldwater and Bill Buckley to Nazi gangs.

To be sure, there is a small area of overlap between Conservative and Nazi but not nearly enough to obscure their profound differences. The conservative political movement founded in the 1960s is dying. It leaves behind a dwindling group of angry, uneducated whites who have been tricked into voting for a thrice-married Manhattan billionaire in the belief that he understands their desperation and has their issues at heart. That residue is being washed away by the rising tide of the twenty-first century.

So you say...
That's the problem

What infuriates Trump's critics is his assumption of a false equivalency between Nazi and anti-Nazi protestors. The use of violence is a significant factor to be sure; however, before we get to the analysis of tactics, there is the matter of an axiomatic conviction that Nazi beliefs, including white supremacy, are wrong, wrong, wrong.

Those who committed violent acts against Hitler are not in the same category as Hitler. Trump appears not to believe this assumption, at least as far as it applies to Charlottesville. He may have been confused. He may have misspoken under the pressure of his feelings. In that case, his assumption of moral equivalency is merely a blunder.

But then we have the repeated statements made during his recent campaign inciting his followers to violence against protesters in the audience. He even offered to pay any resulting legal bills and reminisced about the good old days when such protesters would be beaten unconscious and carried out of the rally. These repeated statements are a background that points us in a different direction than mere politically inexpedient rhetorical blunder. Americans from David Duke to Bernie Sanders have concluded that Donald Trump endorses the alt-right (there is no "alt-left") in its use of violence and receives their support in return. This is grounds for impeachment.
The neo-Nazis, white supremacists and white nationalists exhibit a similar resentment as the less far right folks, because of that they need a leader. Funny that the right wing here in America and in other nations require a leader and fail to take responsibility for their actions or even their life predicament. It is a common meme someone is getting what they deserve or the ??? are controlling the world. You heard that in Charlottesville. Conspiracy thought is so dominate among the right and yet anyone alive knows secrets never remain secrets. But that thought doesn't matter since another equally conspiratorial thought follows the first and so on....

"Why hating women would lead so many men to hating nonwhite people is difficult to parse in logical terms. But racism and sexism aren’t rational ideologies and really aren’t bound by the basic rules of logic. At the root of both lies a thwarted sense of entitlement and a sense that women and people of color are somehow stealing what is the white man’s due. That was felt most keenly in Charlottesville last Friday night, when the torch-wielding mob chanted, “You will not replace us!”

Antifa: A Look at the Antifascist Movement Confronting White Supremacists in the Streets
