APP - I finally figured it out


Former Vice President
For a while now, I have wondered why this push by so many to identify themselves sexuallly. Whether it is pretending to be gay or transgendered or whatever.

I think I have finally figgered it out. It is nothing more than a vehicle for guilty white liberals to jump on the victimhood/oppression express.

You see, victimhood is the prevailing mantra of the democrat party these days. It pays to be one of the so called oppressed whether it is muslim, illegal alien or the holy grail, being black.

During the height of the BLM faux outrage we were treated to new terms like white privilege. Well all of a sudden white guilty liberals found themselves in an uncomfortable position of not being able to relate. And they didn't like having their white privilege thrown back at them.

Now claiming they are gay or transgendered or sexually confused gives them street credibility as an "oppressed group". Now they can say to the BLMs "see, I am just like you"