I finally saw the Rove Video


Is this your homework?
I don't even know what the fuck to say.
The right language has not even been invented yet to describe how painful this is to see. What the hell? Ugh....
Probably not. Still, in a very primitive, early dialect of ur-proto-Indo-European -- spoken, say, about 15,000 years ago -- it might be described thus: "Unfr glark [snort] brekak shplep [spit 3 times]!"*

*(loosely translated) "Ugly fat guy got shit-for-brains. Not worth eating."
I don't even know what the fuck to say.

.....White men can't dance?

Note: cue superfreak to attack me for being racist towards white men.

I just saw the whole thing. It was a "Whose Line is it Anyway" thing. He's a weirdo and just got way too into it.
God damn. I just watched it.

I don't even scorn him. It just feel sad watching him make such a fool out of himself.

Rove. You're not a comedian. Whenever you try to do something funny, you do not seem cool. You seem very creepy.