I guess I'm going to have to vote for McCain now


Turns out, Obama isn't good at unscripted speech giving, and that's just uninspiring, and unleader-y. Therefore you have to vote for McCain or you hate America.

I know in my list of preferences for a presidential candidate, unscripted speech giving is at the top. Because it indicates good character, or something like that.
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Turns out, Obama isn't good at unscripted speech giving, and that's just uninspiring, and unleader-y. Therefore you have to vote for McCain or you hate America.

I know at in my list of preferences for a presidential candidate, unscripted speech giving is at the top. Because it indicates good character, or something like that.

accorn is right, even though the convention had what looked like thousands of empty seats, I'm pretty sure after her somewhat off the cuff speech, its ovahhhh
accorn is right, even though the convention had what looked like thousands of empty seats, I'm pretty sure after her somewhat off the cuff speech, its ovahhhh

That's right T. Americans are looking for someone tough, someone with character, who's not elitist, and will sit down and drink a beer with them well without talking about complicated Hoovard topics. When McCain speaks, you can hear it in his voice, the quality of his greatness and terseness. And when Palin speaks you can feel her Hockey mom background (JUST LIKE YOU), her clarity and belief in God, and her breasts, all at once. They don't want someone who agrees with them on the important issues, or someone they believe will save the nation. That's nonsense.
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That's right T. Americans are looking for someone tough, someone with character, who's not elitist, and will sit down and drink a beer with them well without talking about complicated Hoovard topics. When McCain speaks, you can hear it in his voice, the quality of his greatness and terseness. And when Palin speaks you can feel her Hockey mom background (JUST LIKE YOU), her clarity and belief in God, and her breasts, all at once. They don't want someone who agrees with them on the important issues, or someone they believe will save the nation. That's nonsense.

Obama - Powered by Hope.
Hey liberal assholes, you are the ones who made fun of Bush for the past 8 years, so apparently charisma is near the top of your list... oh, but only if they're a Republican. Funny how that works. :mad: