APP - I guess the fox is guarding the henhouse now

Time to start writing the "fourth estate" and getting them to begin acting as they should. Ignoring stuff like this because they think of the Administration as friends is just not okay. They're like the next door neighbor of Jeffrey Dahmer... "He was such a nice guy!"
Time to start writing the "fourth estate" and getting them to begin acting as they should. Ignoring stuff like this because they think of the Administration as friends is just not okay. They're like the next door neighbor of Jeffrey Dahmer... "He was such a nice guy!"

I agree. Part of me thinks that they are going after Christie the way they are is because they are finally able to let loose. They have been holding back so long for this Administration that they finally had something they could sink their teeth into.

What amazes me about the medias malpractice is that I hear rumblings about them complaining about how this Administration treats them, yet they still have no problem carrying his water