I had a dream last night............

That featured the USUAL large breasted AND hot NAKED women, but it ALSO featured my OFFICIAL insight to the presidential election coming up in November. In my dream, Donald J. Trump is re-elected quite handily, winning 36 of 50 states. And I believe 342 Electoral College votes to 196 Electoral College votes. I BELIEVE the loser was Joe Biden, it was kind of hazy in my dream, but it LOOKED like Creepy, Sleepy, Groper, Depends Wearing, Hair-Sniffer, Senile, Old Joe. I had a similar dream in late October of 2016, which revealed Donald J. Trump defeating the Hildebeast, by winning 31 of 50 states, and 310 Electoral College votes to 228 Electoral College votes. Which turned out to be REAL close to the final results, in which Donald J. Trump defeated the Hildebeast by winning 30 of 50 states, and 306 to 232 Electoral College votes. So in a nutshell, Trump defeats Biden, 36 to 14 states and 342 to 196 Electoral College votes. Thank you.