APP - I had an interesting conversation with two friends yesterday

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It was actually very illuminating. Now I preface this post by saying it is an N of 2 and I am not saying it is reflective of the entire electorate, but it is fascinating just the same.

So these friends of mine did not vote for Trump in 2016. They did not vote for Hillary either. They just elected not to vote for President. They also were 100% convinced that he would not win. When he won, they were convinced he would be an absolute train wreck.

Here is the kicker. After two years they still think he is coarse, immoral etc., but as it stands today they have committed to voting for him in 2020. I asked them what changed and they said "He gets things done". They have been able to ignore all the noise and they can see and feel the economy improving for them and their families. They also said that what is going on from the media and these investigations have turned them off and make them support him more. They do not want to see him impeached.

Like I said, I am not saying this is representative of what is going on out there, but if it is it could lead to some interesting results in 2018 and beyond