I hate America


Just got through with Borat. They had two spots dedicated to Mississippi. One was an overly smug news report, and the other featured Chip Pickering at a Pentacostal rally where they denounced evolution and spoke in tongues. This is the guy that's going to replace Trent Lott. I think I'd rather have Trent Lott, which should tell you something. Why can't we have a single politician in the entire state with an IQ above 80?

Anyway, I hate Mississippi so much that I hate the whole damn nation. If God exists I hope he all makes you burn in hell with teh Jews.

"In Kazak, we hang those people" - Borat talking about homosexuals

"We're tryin to do something like that over here!" - A redneck, presumably from Mississippi

Under the terms of Reconstruction, Mississippi was readmitted to the Union on February 23, 1870.

WTF? You guys had a chance to get rid of it AND YOU TOOK IT BACK? How stoned were you after the civil war

The state was the last to repeal prohibition (in 1966). It symbolically adopted the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery, in 1995. These amendments were still in effect in Mississippi even before their ratification there.


However, there is a bright spot:

On August 17, 1969, Category 5 Hurricane Camille hit the Mississippi coast, killing 248 people and causing US$1.5 billion in damage (1969 dollars). On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina, though a Category 3 storm upon final landfall, caused even greater destruction across the entire 90 miles of Mississippi Gulf Coast from Louisiana to Alabama.
Just got through with Borat. They had two spots dedicated to Mississippi. One was an overly smug news report, and the other featured Chip Pickering at a Pentacostal rally where they denounced evolution and spoke in tongues. This is the guy that's going to replace Trent Lott. I think I'd rather have Trent Lott, which should tell you something. Why can't we have a single politician in the entire state with an IQ above 80?

Anyway, I hate Mississippi so much that I hate the whole damn nation. If God exists I hope he all makes you burn in hell with teh Jews.

"In Kazak, we hang those people" - Borat talking about homosexuals

"We're tryin to do something like that over here!" - A redneck, presumably from Mississippi

But when elites talk about decimating the human population because of a fear of the future, that's noble?

Is it better to kill 4 billion people because they're taking up space, than it is to kill one for being gay?

Your righteousness indicator is stuck on stupid.
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Speaking - or for the pedantic brethren amongst us, typing - as an outsider with an instinctive empathic gift, i detect that you're a little down on America. In your face Sigmund Freuds.

I really don't think you're all too bad at all, kind of like angry Canadians.
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Watermark said:
Why can't we have a single politician in the entire state with an IQ above 80?

Southerners tend to have lower IQs. You're doomed.
Southerners tend to have lower IQs. You're doomed.

It's a contagious wasting disease that's eventually going to reduce me to the level of these bumbling sycophants that I currently look down upon. I have 2, maybe 3 years left. I wouldn't recommend you go down here, the magnolias emit it.
Speaking - or for the pedantic brethren amongst us, typing - as an outsider with an instinctive empathic gift, i detect that you're a little down on America. In your face Sigmund Freuds.

I really don't think you're all too bad at all, kind of like angry Canadians.

You guys shouldn't have let us go. Whenever we tried to rebel, you should've said 'Nope' and just killed those damn founding fathers.
It's a contagious wasting disease that's eventually going to reduce me to the level of these bumbling sycophants that I currently look down upon. I have 2, maybe 3 years left. I wouldn't recommend you go down here, the magnolias emit it.

I heard it was the water. But you'd know better than I. Also, I don't think you should fight it. I think you should embrace tu gente. Get a pick-up, some rebel flag paraphernalia and start complaining about the negros and mexicaaaaaans. Its like ripping off a band-aid. The quicker you get it over with the better off you'd be.
Speaking - or for the pedantic brethren amongst us, typing - as an outsider with an instinctive empathic gift, i detect that you're a little down on America. In your face Sigmund Freuds.

I really don't think you're all too bad at all, kind of like angry Canadians.

Watermark just thinks his teenage angst should be encoded into public policy. this is what happens when a nation grows up on John Hughes films.
Just got through with Borat. They had two spots dedicated to Mississippi. One was an overly smug news report, and the other featured Chip Pickering at a Pentacostal rally where they denounced evolution and spoke in tongues. This is the guy that's going to replace Trent Lott. I think I'd rather have Trent Lott, which should tell you something. Why can't we have a single politician in the entire state with an IQ above 80?

Anyway, I hate Mississippi so much that I hate the whole damn nation. If God exists I hope he all makes you burn in hell with teh Jews.

"In Kazak, we hang those people" - Borat talking about homosexuals

"We're tryin to do something like that over here!" - A redneck, presumably from Mississippi

Yes, a British comedian using all of the journalistic integrity of Michael Moore is a shining example of someone to emulate.
[WTF? You guys had a chance to get rid of it AND YOU TOOK IT BACK? How stoned were you after the civil war]

That's where all the catfish farms are. We LIKE to eat catfish. As for your southern brethren, they sneer at those very farms, "cuz we can catch them down at the swimmin hole". They also sneer when some states "Methyl Mercury is a neurotoxin, which if consistently ingested, will make you less intelligent over time"
