I hate being right all the time


Will work for Scooby snacks
did y'all hear about that new bush book, by that Robert Draper guy?

Draper spent months following bush around and interviewing him. And there's this interesting little tidbit:

In one of the interviews Bush admits that his goal is to leave troops in Iraq long enough, so that the next president is committed to continuing the war on iraq.

Which is what I said a long time ago. He wants to foist his disaster onto the next president.
I found those comments interesting; I need to see the full context, but it sounded like he put the idea of "staying longer" well above any perceived objectives...
did y'all hear about that new bush book, by that Robert Draper guy?

Draper spent months following bush around and interviewing him. And there's this interesting little tidbit:

In one of the interviews Bush admits that his goal is to leave troops in Iraq long enough, so that the next president is committed to continuing the war on iraq.

Which is what I said a long time ago. He wants to foist his disaster onto the next president.

I hate having a 12' cock.
Ummm...12 inches accomplishes pretty much the same thing actually.

But, I got the joke and actually thought it was funny.

Ummm...12 inches accomplishes pretty much the same thing actually.

But, I got the joke and actually thought it was funny.

Personally I have never seen a bun that could handle a 12" much less a 12' dog...maybe NYC holds the record...:dunno: :cig: :corn: ...I live a sheltered life!
Well good size helps to assure not missing the G so works out. no special angle needed.

said again.. when ur hung well u cant miss.
Ummm...12 inches accomplishes pretty much the same thing actually.

But, I got the joke and actually thought it was funny.

I guess that when you are dealing with men you have to speak like you are talking to a special education class.

thus...and 12 inches would accomplish pretty much the same thing, which is as according to previous comments "scare women" "make them run away" and make you "a freak"

Ok, morons? good. Tomorrow, we are going to learn what happens when you mix the colors purple and blue together! Bring bibs.
I guess that when you are dealing with men you have to speak like you are talking to a special education class.

thus...and 12 inches would accomplish pretty much the same thing, which is as according to previous comments "scare women" "make them run away" and make you "a freak"

Ok, morons? good. Tomorrow, we are going to learn what happens when you mix the colors purple and blue together! Bring bibs.

I knew what you were saying.

Did shortbus BB somehow not get it?
Yes darla............

I guess that when you are dealing with men you have to speak like you are talking to a special education class.

thus...and 12 inches would accomplish pretty much the same thing, which is as according to previous comments "scare women" "make them run away" and make you "a freak"

Ok, morons? good. Tomorrow, we are going to learn what happens when you mix the colors purple and blue together! Bring bibs.

we got the drift of your comment...I agree most guys do exaggerate and so do women...thus you have nothing to fear...!:tongout: