I Hate Most Car Mechanics


JPP Modarater
I swear, the ones in my area are collectively the most stuck up pieces of shit to grace this earth. First of all they have no sense of service, they rip you off and and inevitably are rude and wrong most of the time.

A few months ago I dropped like $800 bucks to eventually get my car fixed after spending like $400 taking it places that had no clue what to do. So then Friday happens.

Around 6:00 my boyfriend and I dropped off my car at Nissan to get fixed. After my last fiasco I decided I'd be more than willing to pay the premium to go to the dealer to get my car fixed because A) I knew they would have the parts & B) They are allegedly specialists in said vehicle.

Well at the dealership my boyfriend discovered he had a flat - the thread was completely busted so I called AAA and within 40 minutes the donut was on but before he left (AAA has great service by the way - I'm going to keep renewing my membership) but afterwards he had to put the fear of God in us. He told my boyfriend that his other tire was going to explode any second and that he shouldn't drive on it. So at 6pm what the hell were we supposed to do with no car but drive home. Anyway, we get to firestone this morning, they tell us that it will be 2 and half hours until we're done. On our way into the movie theater, I get a phone call from Nissan informing me that I needed new Calibers (which I knew and had informed them of days before bringing in the vehicle) and the whole kitten caboudle (sp?) costing me over $900 and that the previous 10% discount I was going to get was no longer possible. Then he proceeds to tell me that they wouldn't get the part until Thursday (yes! at the dealership) and that I could rent a car for $35/day if I'd like. Yeah. That was going to happen. When I said I'd pick my vehicle up, of course he had to put the fear of God in me explaining that I was driving on a ticking time bomb and it was unsafe, something was dragging, yada yada yada, brake failure, car fires, explosion (I kid you not) he recommends keeping the car on the lot until its fixed (remember 900 + 35/day for a rental). So when I call up firestone, they had the parts and said they could get it done.

Then after the movie (Stardust - which was great by the way for people with with kids that have to go see kid movies) aka the 2.5 hours we were originally quoted, my boyfriend checks his car out back and sees that the fucking donut is still on. I wanted to scream. So over an hour and half later and after confirming they had my part and after they finally finished his tires, we trecked back up to Nissan got my car (after doling out $50 for an 'inspection') we took it to Firestone. The guy said it would be done by 6pm. We'll see.

My guess is that it won't be done by 6, he doesn't have the parts and will have to do a lot more work on the car than originally quoted.
Your boyfriend doesn't know how to slap new calipers on your car? That's sad. It's like two bolts and bleed the hydrolic lines. There are few things as simple.

As for the dealership not having parts for a few days, what's so unusual about that? It would cost more for everything if they had to stock every part they could possibly need.

The world doesn't revolve around you.
I don't even know what a caliper is.

There's no one on Earth who'll rip you off more than a car dealer/repairman. You just have to throw a bunch of fuck you's in their face until they get the message.
Your boyfriend doesn't know how to slap new calipers on your car? That's sad. It's like two bolts and bleed the hydrolic lines. There are few things as simple.

As for the dealership not having parts for a few days, what's so unusual about that? It would cost more for everything if they had to stock every part they could possibly need.

The world doesn't revolve around you.

Why do you say its sad that he doesn't know how to do it yet you say nothing of my ignorance on the subject.
I don't even know what a caliper is.

There's no one on Earth who'll rip you off more than a car dealer/repairman. You just have to throw a bunch of fuck you's in their face until they get the message.

They basically have me hostage. I have no clue how to do the stuff they are talking about or even what it is. For all I know they could be taping up parts of my car and insulating them so that I don't hear the noise. They definitely gauge people.
Oh, I got my car. They finished it on time and it doesn't sound like metal is grinding against something when I come to a stop anymore. Yeah! (Although I just wasted bracelet money) This is what I was going to get instead.
Why do you say its sad that he doesn't know how to do it yet you say nothing of my ignorance on the subject.

Because I wouldn't expect you to know how to change a caliper. But most men, being good with physical activities and their hands, should be able to loosen a couple bolts and pump a brake pedal a few times.

I guess I have a biased opinion
Oh, I got my car. They finished it on time and it doesn't sound like metal is grinding against something when I come to a stop anymore. Yeah! (Although I just wasted bracelet money) This is what I was going to get instead.

It was probably just the brake pads worn down to the little pieces of metal which are supposed to serve as a warning that the pads need replacing. I doubt you really needed new calipers after all. But most places will make you buy new ones if you want some kind of warranty on the work.
I don't even know what a caliper is.

There's no one on Earth who'll rip you off more than a car dealer/repairman. You just have to throw a bunch of fuck you's in their face until they get the message.

Google could help you to figure out what a brake caliper is. It's the funny little thing that squeezes the pads onto the rotor(the thing that spins with the wheel)

You seriously don't know what a caliper is?
Well, I don't own a car. I'm about to buy a 3200 piece of shit Ford Escort. In case you were wondering, the Escort was the car that replaced the Pinto. I'm just really cheap.

And I'm not good with my hands.
Google could help you to figure out what a brake caliper is. It's the funny little thing that squeezes the pads onto the rotor(the thing that spins with the wheel)

You seriously don't know what a caliper is?
By definition, and description, I would never call them Calipers, they are two oppposing flat brake shoes that stop the car.
Well, I don't own a car. I'm about to buy a 3200 piece of shit Ford Escort. In case you were wondering, the Escort was the car that replaced the Pinto. I'm just really cheap.

And I'm not good with my hands.

Yeah, I forgot that you are fairly young.
Good luck with the Escort.
I do all my own vehicle , lawnmowr, tractor,etc repair. well except for automatic trannys, and front end alignments.

The only mechanic I can blame is myself if I don't like the job.
LT, just set the feminensist movement back 50yrs.
Mechanics are stupid, brakes cost her a shiney new bracelet. My your sophisticated.:clink: