APP - I hate my job

Cadillac Man

New member
Not really but I just finished spending two months assuring diplomats in three countries and too many embassies that no, America won't elect Trump president. They, especially the older Europeans, say they haven't seen such mass insanity since prewar Germany.
Not really but I just finished spending two months assuring diplomats in three countries and too many embassies that no, America won't elect Trump president. They, especially the older Europeans, say they haven't seen such mass insanity since prewar Germany.

I truly hope that you are correct that he will not be elected. If he continues insulting groups of US citizens, it is more than likely he won't be elected, but we have reached a new low in this country, the likes I have never seen.
Not really but I just finished spending two months assuring diplomats in three countries and too many embassies that no, America won't elect Trump president. They, especially the older Europeans, say they haven't seen such mass insanity since prewar Germany.

why would you lie to foreign diplomats? you work for Hillary?.....I've heard she does that.......
Not really but I just finished spending two months assuring diplomats in three countries and too many embassies that no, America won't elect Trump president. They, especially the older Europeans, say they haven't seen such mass insanity since prewar Germany.
What if we do? We did elect the Shrub after all. There are certainly enough stupid people to get him elected.
They elected BO twice and the EU is about to collapse thanks to his inability to recover the economy.
We're they similarly cranky about that ?
Anyone who has read my posts and threads knows I am a diehard, buy American, support America nut. I am listening to Trump last evening and if I were a newborn to the Donald, I'd think wow how interesting that a politician thought about the impact of the free market and supply side nonsense that dominates the thinking of so many people today. Of course business loves that the citizens worship this false god. So anyway break up out country into the haves, have a little, have even less, and the have nothings, and then consider who will vote. ????
The Brits on the Donald
It Can't Happen Here?

Not really but I just finished spending two months assuring diplomats in three countries and too many embassies that no, America won't elect Trump president. They, especially the older Europeans, say they haven't seen such mass insanity since prewar Germany.
