APP - I hate to admit it but.............


Grind is right. When he is right. He is right.

Lots of people talk a big game about wanting "civilized debate" and hating the back and forth that occurs on the rest of this board. They spend lots of bandwidth imploring the mods to "do something" and "ban this person" and "ban that person" or "ban these words" and "those words"

Yet here sits a forum that has much stricter moderation as I can attest as I ran afoul of their rules and all of these so called bastions of civility NEVER post here. Don Quixote posts here quite a bit, but there aren't many responses. Lots of reads, but no "debate". Here is the place to live up to all of your message board dreams and nothing. Nada. Zilch. A place for Howey to post all of his "thoughtful intelligent posts" and not worry about anyone going over the top. A place for Tekky to have all of that "civilized" debate she so craves. And yet......NOTHING.

These are the same folks who cry about wanting to see their taxes raised then scrape for EVERY deduction they can find.

This is an object lesson in forget what people say, watch what they do.

No this is not up for debate, this was an observation so the thread ban list is long and distinguished.
Interesting. Lots of thought provoking threads and still no takers from the "I want civil debate" crowd. No Winterborn, no Tekkychick, no nothin.

Now they can't complain that they are worried about me being "mean" because the rules of APP prohibit that. They can't complain about me thread banning "everyone" because I have only thread banned Triple F and the mods have taken care of Topspin (although I would thread ban him as well)

So here it is and still nothing from those who want the civilized debate. I guess this can put to rest that people want civilized debate and that despite their claims, they really like the back and forth over in the other forums.
Interesting. Lots of thought provoking threads and still no takers from the "I want civil debate" crowd. No Winterborn, no Tekkychick, no nothin.

Now they can't complain that they are worried about me being "mean" because the rules of APP prohibit that. They can't complain about me thread banning "everyone" because I have only thread banned Triple F and the mods have taken care of Topspin (although I would thread ban him as well)

So here it is and still nothing from those who want the civilized debate. I guess this can put to rest that people want civilized debate and that despite their claims, they really like the back and forth over in the other forums.

You make a good point.