i hate zoos

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
SF Zoo's Tony the tiger euthanized

06-23) 17:31 PDT San Francisco -- Mighty Tony will roar no more.

Tony the tiger, the gentle, dignified patriarch of the San Francisco Zoo's feline family since 1993, passed to the great scratching post in the sky Tuesday when zoo staff euthanized the elderly giant.

"He was such a handsome, charismatic animal," said zoo director Tanya Peterson. "We are all feeling a real sense of loss. I don't think I'll ever get used to it."

Tony, an endangered Siberian tiger, was 18 years, 3 months old, the second oldest male Siberian tiger in North America and among only a few hundred in the world.

Like seniors everywhere, Tony was beginning to suffer the effects of old age: staring absently into space, stumbling from arthritis and sleeping most of the day.

On March 29, San Francisco firefighters had to tranquilize and carry Tony out of the dry moat in his enclosure after he spent four nights there, unwilling or unable to negotiate the stairs.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/06/23/MN7V1E3U3I.DTL#ixzz0rkLuXdIO

congrats on keeping a wild animal prisoner and then congrats on slapping yourselves on the back for putting him out of his misery

Without zoos a lot of these animals would be extinct.

fair enough...but the conditions of many animals is appalling...i've seen polar bears at a zoo in vancouver canada....good lord, they didn't look anything like wild polar bears...and this tiger, i bet his conditions weren't great either

do you really think it is a lot of animals that would be extinct? maybe some...
fair enough...but the conditions of many animals is appalling...i've seen polar bears at a zoo in vancouver canada....good lord, they didn't look anything like wild polar bears...and this tiger, i bet his conditions weren't great either

do you really think it is a lot of animals that would be extinct? maybe some...
I don't know the number, and I agree that some zoos are indeed appalling. There have been some that I have visited in my lifetime that I'd rather not contemplate. But there are some which, although they cannot duplicate the pristine wild, do provide very good habitat.

NC operates one public zoo in the geographic center of the State that is one of the best that I have visited. The Watani Grasslands area is truly magnificent, and allows the large animals to wander about a large "savanna". The zoo property is 2000 acres and 500 of which is currently exhibits. The keepers are experts at hiding food in the exhibits which keeps the animals occupied by foraging as they would in an actual natural environment.

This picture here shows only a tiny portion of this display:


Wiki's got a good article:[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Carolina_Zoo"]North Carolina Zoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:NCZooelephants.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a8/NCZooelephants.jpg/250px-NCZooelephants.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/a/a8/NCZooelephants.jpg/250px-NCZooelephants.jpg[/ame]
Not quite:
The zoo's annual operating budget is roughly $18 million. It receives around 60 percent from the state with the remainder being made up of ticket and merchandise sales and donations from the North Carolina Zoological Society, which remains the zoo's fund-raising and membership arm...