I have a question about what you think is a "normal" amount of time before........

I have a question about what you think is a "normal" amount of time before........

......one's body is cremated. My mother, who passed away to due to a very strange "accident" at home in October of 2013, is relevant to this question. Our mother, who lived just a couple miles from me and my sister, and lived with HER sister, our aunt, died to very strange circumstances. To this day, I question what REALLY happened. My sister and I were understandably in shock over our mother's passing, and were too stunned to question anything at the time. I believe it was the very next day after her passing that we got a call from our aunt, asking us if we wanted to view our mother's body at the funeral home before cremation. We both said no, it would've been much too hard for us to do so after such a short time after her passing. I believe her body was cremated the next day after that, and possibly even later that SAME day. So is just two days an unusually short time before one's body IS cremated? It seems like a VERY short time to me. Well, over the years since our mother's passing, I've become even more convinced she most likely died due to foul play, and most likely due to her sister's actions. I haven't pursued this in any kind of legal fashion because unfortunately I have NO concrete evidence OF foul play, and because it's been over six and a half years now since it occurred. I've talked a bit about this with my sister, she believes there WAS no foul play in our mother's death. I told my best friend at the time (Who I no longer talk to.) about what I thought MAY have happened, and he thought I should look into it. He knew our aunt, and seemed to think it WAS possible she would do such a thing. I never looked into it, mostly afraid of the repercussions if I WERE wrong, and also a bit afraid of what I MAY find if I dug deeper into what I thought, and STILL think may have happened. Our aunt still resides in the same town, a few miles away from us now. I would appreciate any thoughts you may have about what you think is a "normal" time between death and cremation. Thank you for your time.
When my late husband passed away he was cremated the following day. The same with my late brother. My father was cremated within 48 hours of his passing.
Also, some four or five days after our mother passed, our aunt called and asked me if I'd like to come to the house and take things that our mom had possessed and kept over the years. I went over there, and looked through my mom's stuff, crying the whole time while doing so. After I chose what items of hers to keep, I joined my aunt in her den to talk about my mom and reminisce about her. My aunt played me a song on her computer that she said my mom had particularly liked, and then we chatted a bit about my mom and her extraordinarily good and kind life. I was still crying uncontrollably, while my aunt didn't shed a single tear. I know it's true that everyone has a different way of showing grief, but she didn't appear to be grieving at all. Just very strange. We had a memorial service for my mom several weeks after this, so relatives and friends who lived out of state could make plans to attend. Again, at this gathering, NO tears from my aunt. We were asked to come up front if we wanted to talk about my mom. I did, and was unable to control my emotions by the end of reminiscing about some of my cherished memories of my mom.