I have decided to leave this site........

...........permanently. So I can devote all of my Internet political commentary time to the site, USMB. My site name is bluzman61. Good luck in the future, everyone. I bid you farewell. Signed, Steven VanderMolen, October 6th, 2020.
...........permanently. So I can devote all of my Internet political commentary time to the site, USMB. My site name is bluzman61. Good luck in the future, everyone. I bid you farewell. Signed, Steven VanderMolen, October 6th, 2020.

I knew you were Bluzman! Hah!
Remember I alleged to it before?
...........permanently. So I can devote all of my Internet political commentary time to the site, USMB. My site name is bluzman61. Good luck in the future, everyone. I bid you farewell. Signed, Steven VanderMolen, October 6th, 2020.

Good Luck. Take Care. God Speed. ... see you tomorrow.
Yurt used to post "farewell threads" periodically, too.

Then he'd return, usually with a new account, and deny that he was Yurt.

Good times.