I have decided to make a news youtube show.


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The news show I have in mind encompasses al kinds of current events from politics to science to geography to art to history.
It shall be called ThePoint

Tell me what you think and any ideas would be helpful.
The news show I have in mind encompasses al kinds of current events from politics to science to geography to art to history.
It shall be called ThePoint

Tell me what you think and any ideas would be helpful.

You should have a way to record it.

Go for it.

Hey, maybe he could even be like that one guy we used to know. Lived and worked in Japan on Uncle Sam's dime. Posted over 100x/day on the old Amazon politics forum. Copied and pasted posts from other ppl and compiled a book out of them about how Libruls all bad Conservatives all good and gays*gays*gays. Remember that guy?
Hey, maybe he could even be like that one guy we used to know. Lived and worked in Japan on Uncle Sam's dime. Posted over 100x/day on the old Amazon politics forum. Copied and pasted posts from other ppl and compiled a book out of them about how Libruls all bad Conservatives all good and gays*gays*gays. Remember that guy?

Well, I was trying NOT to remember, but yeah, maybe he's beed reincarnated here?
If it were me, I would name it Point Vs. Counterpoint.

There are two sides to every issue, and both needs better representation. Always present both sides to every issue you discuss.

Every side represented should be forced to show proof or evidence that brought them to their political decisions.

In other words- don't be like Fox News! LOL! BE RESPONSIBLE!
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'fertile' ... like in compost? Good Point.

Heh, yeah. We really should find him and invite him. He would find so many willing acolytes for his special brand of "I'm-a-PhD-So-I-Know-Best" Pompous Pronouncements(tm). He'd have USF washing his car and mowing his grass in the first hour. We'll leave the second hour up to your salacious imagination. lol
If it were me, I would name it Point Vs. Counterpoint.

There are two sides to every issue, and both needs better representation. Always present both sides to every issue you discuss.

Every side represented should be forced to show proof or evidence that brought them to their political decisions.

In other words- don't be like Fox News! LOL! BE RESPONSIBLE!

You misspelled CNN.

Heh, yeah. We really should find him and invite him. He would find so many willing acolytes for his special brand of "I'm-a-PhD-So-I-Know-Best" Pompous Pronouncements(tm). He'd have USF washing his car and mowing his grass in the first hour. We'll leave the second hour up to your salacious imagination. lol

Could he find you selling your "wares" on your street corner??

Hey, maybe he could even be like that one guy we used to know. Lived and worked in Japan on Uncle Sam's dime. Posted over 100x/day on the old Amazon politics forum. Copied and pasted posts from other ppl and compiled a book out of them about how Libruls all bad Conservatives all good and gays*gays*gays. Remember that guy?

LOL! How could we NOT remember him?