APP - I have made a command decision

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I have decided to cease reporting daily updates on the Wuhan China Virus. I am doing this for a couple of reasons

1) I have been using Worldometer and it is clear that many states are lying about their numbers and I refuse to pass along fudged data
2) The CDC has cut the official death count in half proving that they are lying about the data at the state level
3) Most importantly, this thing is over. Don't let the scare mongers fool you. We have passed the point of this thing being a major issue. It can't reverse

I hope you have enjoyed the updates. Maybe I will do them weekly. We will see
I have decided to cease reporting daily updates on the Wuhan China Virus. I am doing this for a couple of reasons

1) I have been using Worldometer and it is clear that many states are lying about their numbers and I refuse to pass along fudged data
2) The CDC has cut the official death count in half proving that they are lying about the data at the state level
3) Most importantly, this thing is over. Don't let the scare mongers fool you. We have passed the point of this thing being a major issue. It can't reverse
