APP - I have made this point already



Great read about the millennial/suburban vote. The crux of the story is that because the Obama economy was so poor and had such little growth that millennials delayed growing up.

Think about it. Obama and the liberal college education complex saddled them with enormous debt and no prospects to pay it off. They were still living with mom. Obama made it so they could be even more dependent on mommy and daddy until they were 26 for medical insurance.

But, now they are starting to grow up. Pay more taxes. Have more responsibilities. In short they will slowly but surely become conservatives and shed the childishness that is leftism. It happens to EVERY generation.

This article points out what I brilliantly pointed out months ago. It was not too long ago that Baby Boomers were "bra burning, civil rights marching, Vietnam War protesting, sex, drugs and rock and roll" leftists. Baby Boomers were reliably voting democrat. Now all of a sudden Baby Boomers are the "old white Republicans" the democrat party says they hate.

The same will happen to millennials. Leftists make the mistake that these millennial leftists will stay this way and that ideology is fixed and doesn't change.

The democrat party will have to learn this the hard way in future elections
the boomer generation had it all. now they're throwing their children and grandchildren under the bus of globalization because it works for their investment portfolios.