I have not seen the sun forrrrrrr 25 hours


on indefiniate mod break
I went to bed late last night and woke up around 5 with excruciating back pain. It felt like someone had hit me in the upper back with a baseball bat. I couldn't sleep in any position, so I sat in my desk chair for a bit, still useless. So then I took a shower hoping the hot water and pressure might allieve my pain, it didn't.

So at this point it's like 6 in the morning, I am exhausted, in severe pain, and now because of the shower I am cold. I try lying down in my bed again, can't. Try desk chair again. Fail. I go sit in a nice lounge chair. Not successful.

Then I puked my guts out. Whenever I don't get sleep, I throwup. I don't know why :whoa:

At the very last moment. I see my shinning light. A single, solitary oxy that I have been saving for two years since my surgery. Planning for a miserable day like today, where nothing is going my way.

I take it. In 20 minutes I am SOOOOOOOO CHILLLLLL and the pain is basically gone. At this point, I can go to sleep, but I enjoy my blissful opiate state for another good 30 minutes or so. (it's probably about 7 at this point, I don't think the sun had come up yet).

And then I went to sleep and just woke up about 45 minutes ago. My back is still sore. But better overall.
I went to bed late last night and woke up around 5 with excruciating back pain. It felt like someone had hit me in the upper back with a baseball bat. I couldn't sleep in any position, so I sat in my desk chair for a bit, still useless. So then I took a shower hoping the hot water and pressure might allieve my pain, it didn't.

So at this point it's like 6 in the morning, I am exhausted, in severe pain, and now because of the shower I am cold. I try lying down in my bed again, can't. Try desk chair again. Fail. I go sit in a nice lounge chair. Not successful.

Then I puked my guts out. Whenever I don't get sleep, I throwup. I don't know why :whoa:

At the very last moment. I see my shinning light. A single, solitary oxy that I have been saving for two years since my surgery. Planning for a miserable day like today, where nothing is going my way.

I take it. In 20 minutes I am SOOOOOOOO CHILLLLLL and the pain is basically gone. At this point, I can go to sleep, but I enjoy my blissful opiate state for another good 30 minutes or so. (it's probably about 7 at this point, I don't think the sun had come up yet).

And then I went to sleep and just woke up about 45 minutes ago. My back is still sore. But better overall.
Go see your chiropractor. Sounds like you have anterior thoracics or maybe even a rib head.
I went to bed late last night and woke up around 5 with excruciating back pain. It felt like someone had hit me in the upper back with a baseball bat. I couldn't sleep in any position, so I sat in my desk chair for a bit, still useless. So then I took a shower hoping the hot water and pressure might allieve my pain, it didn't.

So at this point it's like 6 in the morning, I am exhausted, in severe pain, and now because of the shower I am cold. I try lying down in my bed again, can't. Try desk chair again. Fail. I go sit in a nice lounge chair. Not successful.

Then I puked my guts out. Whenever I don't get sleep, I throwup. I don't know why :whoa:

At the very last moment. I see my shinning light. A single, solitary oxy that I have been saving for two years since my surgery. Planning for a miserable day like today, where nothing is going my way.

I take it. In 20 minutes I am SOOOOOOOO CHILLLLLL and the pain is basically gone. At this point, I can go to sleep, but I enjoy my blissful opiate state for another good 30 minutes or so. (it's probably about 7 at this point, I don't think the sun had come up yet).

And then I went to sleep and just woke up about 45 minutes ago. My back is still sore. But better overall.

Oxy is good for back pain. Very good. Only thing that works for me.
Go see your chiropractor. Sounds like you have anterior thoracics or maybe even a rib head.

english please?

I went to sleep fine, I woke up about an hour later and my upper back was in severe pain. Basically my whole left shoulder blade and that pain rippled out to the my chest
BTW, I'm so glad that they haven't come up with something better for ADD than amphetamine.
They have:

english please?

I went to sleep fine, I woke up about an hour later and my upper back was in severe pain. Basically my whole left shoulder blade and that pain rippled out to the my chest
Anterior thoracics is when some of your thoracic vertebrae have migrated forward of their normal anatomical position. It feels like a knife is between your shoulder blades. A rib head is when a thoracic vertebrae has rotated so far laterally that it's articulation with the rib (the rib head) has become partially dislocated (subluxated) and the rib head is now impinging on a peripheral spinal nerve. You would feel that as pain in your side and/or shoulder. Both conditions are easily fixed by an adjustment.