I have stigmata!


Staff member
So here's the story....

I was out repairing my deck. The boards are so old one or two was warping. I'm attempting to remove a 12 foot 2X6 board that is being held by one nail that had lost its head when they installed the deck. However the end I was grabbing was the warped end, it still had a screw sticking out of it. So, I'm bending the thing up when it suddenly pops free, but the other end is being held down as it is a bit under the siding. I springs up and comes back down, right in the middle of my hand. The screw enters my hand about 3/4 of an inch, just barely not piercing all the way through (at least according to the "gore record" on the screw that's how far it went in).

Anyway I jerk my hand back reflexively, cutting a surface cut along the way all the way across the hand, and begin immediate pressure.... Washing as much as possible. I go online and check my medical records to see when my last tetanus shot was.... Well, I have no record of such a shot.

It being a puncture wound there is no sewing as you must let them seep, but there is also little chance of infection. But I had to get the shot. So off we went to the doctor.

The moral of the story? When you remove the gloves to work the cordless screwdriver, put them back on before messing around with the boards...


At least there is a legitmate reason for vicodin!

Take two aspirin and call the Doc in the morning...a very small chance of Tetnus infection is on the agenda...but hey support the local Docs...like they need the money...lol
So here's the story....

I was out repairing my deck. The boards are so old one or two was warping. I'm attempting to remove a 12 foot 2X6 board that is being held by one nail that had lost its head when they installed the deck. However the end I was grabbing was the warped end, it still had a screw sticking out of it. So, I'm bending the thing up when it suddenly pops free, but the other end is being held down as it is a bit under the siding. I springs up and comes back down, right in the middle of my hand. The screw enters my hand about 3/4 of an inch, just barely not piercing all the way through (at least according to the "gore record" on the screw that's how far it went in).

Anyway I jerk my hand back reflexively, cutting a surface cut along the way all the way across the hand, and begin immediate pressure.... Washing as much as possible. I go online and check my medical records to see when my last tetanus shot was.... Well, I have no record of such a shot.

It being a puncture wound there is no sewing as you must let them seep, but there is also little chance of infection. But I had to get the shot. So off we went to the doctor.

The moral of the story? When you remove the gloves to work the cordless screwdriver, put them back on before messing around with the boards...


At least there is a legitmate reason for vicodin!

AH yes us folks who don't know where to put our feet or hands. I just broke (fractured) a small bone in my hand (The little one which connects the little finger Joint to the wrist.) Mine was dummy too. I stepped on on a loose peice of 2x4 at a construction site with a bottle of water in my hand. instead of dropping the bottle, I held on to it, and came down hard on the side of my hand. (no broken skin, but I have a big lump on my had where the bone is trying to heal.) Nope, no doctor. everything worked without grinding. just painfull. expecially when I tried to write or type.
Send some of those pills my way. I'll help you offset the cost. I'll pm you my address and my UPS shipper #.
Yes. But the vicodin helps with that one. What really hurt was that right after the injury I had to still finish the deck. Otherwise we'd have empty spaces where boards should be, and it was where my children play. I have powertools I have to clean the blood from.
Yes. But the vicodin helps with that one. What really hurt was that right after the injury I had to still finish the deck. Otherwise we'd have empty spaces where boards should be, and it was where my children play. I have powertools I have to clean the blood from.

Wow. That sounds pretty bad.
You are quite the trooper. I don't think I could have finished the job after a hole was put through my hand.
I know Damo. The last time I was cutting firewood, I forgot to put my gloves back on after refueling the saw and jabbed a splinter a about an inch long under my skin shortly afterwards. Luckially just under the skin. still had to cut part of that bassid out though....

Now when doing mechanic work, gloves don't work too well and I most always leave some blood around.

Just as long as we don't have a file like Tim Taylor at the emergency room .....
You are quite the trooper. I don't think I could have finished the job after a hole was put through my hand.
My wife was on the phone with the doctor who asked, "Is that him out there working on the deck?"...

I have to use the backspace key much more than before as my fat finger, quite literally fat now as they are swollen, keep hitting the wrong keys. I figure I'll have to type at work anyway so I may as well figure out how this will work.
My wife was on the phone with the doctor who asked, "Is that him out there working on the deck?"...

I have to use the backspace key much more than before as my fat finger, quite literally fat now as they are swollen, keep hitting the wrong keys. I figure I'll have to type at work anyway so I may as well figure out how this will work.

You should probably give it a rest for a while. There is no point in making it even more tender. You'd do better at work if you let it heal a little bit.
Yeah. But I was very excited about seeing how the new server takes a regular load of members. I definitely have done less than normal. I didn't even get online until after 10 here.