I have to euthanize a dog today...


Staff member
I hate this. I am sad. I should not have come to work.

Diva Monet - 15 year old brindle Whippet

She's dying of cancer, both in the brain and her skin. Lately, she's taken to eating our drywall, but won't eat her food and she's starving to death before our eyes. The steroids allowed her to be Diva a bit longer, and to eat, but they aren't working any longer...

Damn. I'm sorry, Diva.

I hate to hear that. Having a pet put down is one of the toughest things to do. I hope it goes well.
Sadly.....death is a part of life.....

I feel sorry for those that have never loved a pet or felt the love of a pet......

You have and your life is richer for it.
I hate this. I am sad. I should not have come to work.

Diva Monet - 15 year old brindle Whippet

She's dying of cancer, both in the brain and her skin. Lately, she's taken to eating our drywall, but won't eat her food and she's starving to death before our eyes. The steroids allowed her to be Diva a bit longer, and to eat, but they aren't working any longer...

Damn. I'm sorry, Diva.


Fifteen years, that is a long time friend, I am so sorry, Damo, my heart goes out to you and your family. They do become family members.
I hate this. I am sad. I should not have come to work.

Diva Monet - 15 year old brindle Whippet

She's dying of cancer, both in the brain and her skin. Lately, she's taken to eating our drywall, but won't eat her food and she's starving to death before our eyes. The steroids allowed her to be Diva a bit longer, and to eat, but they aren't working any longer...

Damn. I'm sorry, Diva.


I feel for you.
For some funny reason, we humans become so attached to an animal that it causes us grief when they leave us.

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I hate this. I am sad. I should not have come to work.

Diva Monet - 15 year old brindle Whippet

She's dying of cancer, both in the brain and her skin. Lately, she's taken to eating our drywall, but won't eat her food and she's starving to death before our eyes. The steroids allowed her to be Diva a bit longer, and to eat, but they aren't working any longer...

Damn. I'm sorry, Diva.

I feel for ya Damo. I had to put my 12 year old lab buddy Shagrat down a few years back. I was heart broke. was like losing a kid.
I feel for you.
For some funny reason, we humans become so attached to an animal that it causes us grief when they leave us.

They do the same thing. My Uncles lab grieved for weeks after my Uncle died. He would curl up at the foot of my Uncle's chair and wouldn't move from that spot. When you'd call his name he'd look up at the chair, stare for a second then sigh and put his head back down.
I hate this. I am sad. I should not have come to work.

Diva Monet - 15 year old brindle Whippet

She's dying of cancer, both in the brain and her skin. Lately, she's taken to eating our drywall, but won't eat her food and she's starving to death before our eyes. The steroids allowed her to be Diva a bit longer, and to eat, but they aren't working any longer...

Damn. I'm sorry, Diva.


I am sorry man, there's almost nothing more painful than having to say goodbye to a faithful companion.

I had a dog named Baron when I was a kid, he's been gone for nearly 30 years but I still tear up when I think about having to put him down!

She's going to a better place, and will be waiting for you when you get there.
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this. Almost nothing is worse than seeing your beloved pet suffering, and knowing you can't do anything about it. My vet sent me this poem when my cat died, I still tear up when I read it.

Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you.....
I loved you so --
'twas Heaven here with you."

--by Ilsa Paschal Richardson
Diva Monet was a bundle of energy, and a food thief who had to be watched like a hawk if you had to leave the table for anything at all during a meal. She could run... Oh, man could she run! I clocked her once at 35 MPH. She loved frisbees, rawhide chips, pig ears, and cow hooves (although we had to stop giving her the ears and the hooves when we found out that they often had salmonella on them. Which was a blessing really, those cow hooves stink when they are chewing them.)

She was most comfortable sitting next to a warm body on the couch, usually covering herself (with effort) with a blanket. We never were able to get her to sleep anywhere but between us on the bed. We spent several useless sleepless weeks trying to get her to sleep on a heated mattress on the floor...

She was the only dog left that knew our children as infants, even the eldest adoptee... my goddaughter. She loved everybody, feared nothing and could clear a six foot privacy fence with a two step jump. She once jumped over my brother in law, who is over six foot tall, just trying to greet him...

This morning, though she wouldn't eat her food, she stole an Eggo from my daughter when she turned her back for a second at breakfast. The Eggo remained uneaten, but thoroughly stolen. This made me very sad... This dog had a focus on food like no other dog. She set her life by feeding time, and always thoroughly enjoyed her food.

She sleeps now. No longer seeking a meal that she cannot eat. We will bury her where we will often be, as she wanted nothing other than to be near people and to eat, and sometimes play...

I will miss my Lady Diva... I had grown accustomed to her grace. I hope there is plenty of room to run wherever she is heading, and plenty of bacon. I lost a friend today, who trusted me to do the right thing.
Diva Monet was a bundle of energy, and a food thief who had to be watched like a hawk if you had to leave the table for anything at all during a meal. She could run... Oh, man could she run! I clocked her once at 35 MPH. She loved frisbees, rawhide chips, pig ears, and cow hooves (although we had to stop giving her the ears and the hooves when we found out that they often had salmonella on them. Which was a blessing really, those cow hooves stink when they are chewing them.)

She was most comfortable sitting next to a warm body on the couch, usually covering herself (with effort) with a blanket. We never were able to get her to sleep anywhere but between us on the bed. We spent several useless sleepless weeks trying to get her to sleep on a heated mattress on the floor...

She was the only dog left that knew our children as infants, even the eldest adoptee... my godMdaughter. She loved everybody, feared nothing and could clear a six foot privacy fence with a two step jump. She once jumped over my brother in law, who is over six foot tall, just trying to greet him...

This morning, though she wouldn't eat her food, she stole an Eggo from my daughter when she turned her back for a second at breakfast. The Eggo remained uneaten, but thoroughly stolen. This made me very sad... This dog had a focus on food like no other dog. She set her life by feeding time, and always thoroughly enjoyed her food.

She sleeps now. No longer seeking a meal that she cannot eat. We will bury her where we will often be, as she wanted nothing other than to be near people and to eat, and sometimes play...

I will miss my Lady Diva... I had grown accustomed to her grace. I hope there is plenty of room to run wherever she is heading, and plenty of bacon. I lost a friend today, who trusted me to do the right thing.

What a great tribute, I got a lump in my throat, thanks for sharing.
That's why tortoises are better than dogs. They live longer and when they finally die you can use them as a door stop.

Sorry about your dog, Damo.
The most sombre of hats shall be sported today.


Chin up though, Damo.
I hate this. I am sad. I should not have come to work.

Diva Monet - 15 year old brindle Whippet

She's dying of cancer, both in the brain and her skin. Lately, she's taken to eating our drywall, but won't eat her food and she's starving to death before our eyes. The steroids allowed her to be Diva a bit longer, and to eat, but they aren't working any longer...

Damn. I'm sorry, Diva.


My heart goes out to you Damo. I have had to do this 6 times. It hurts to the bone. Every one of my dogs were individuals with mannerisms and personalities that endear.

When we had to euthanize Amber, the beautiful sole who helped raise my kids, I paced the backyard for an hour, where Amber used to run and play.

I suggest after a month or so, go out and get a puppy...it REALLY helps.