I heard a rumor about McCain


I understand form one listener on talk raido that John McCain was actually born in Panama, and is not a natural born citizen. If that is true, then he is not constitutionally qualified to be president.

Can anybody verify where McCain was born?
I understand form one listener on talk raido that John McCain was actually born in Panama, and is not a natural born citizen. If that is true, then he is not constitutionally qualified to be president.

Can anybody verify where McCain was born?

It doesn't matter where he was born-- both of his parents are US citizens, natural born, which makes him natural born.

Besides, if he was born in Panama (and I don't know if he was), that means that he was born on a Naval base, as both his father and grandfather were admirals.

Not only that, but don't you think that his political opponents would have figured this out before Joe Nobody on talk radio?
Here ya go:


Citizen McCain's
Panama Problem?

By Ken Rudin
Special to washingtonpost.com
Thursday, July 9, 1998

Question: I would like to see Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) as a presidential candidate, but I heard that he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. The Constitution requires that a president be a "natural born" citizen of the United States. Is Sen. McCain barred from the presidency? – Steven R. Pruett, Falls Church, Va.

Answer: John McCain has more pressing worries than eligibility on the road to the Republican presidential nomination in 2000. After his lead role in pushing campaign-finance and tobacco legislation, both anathema to the Senate GOP leadership, the Arizona senator may have to spend a lot of time trying to prove his party credentials before he ever gets to Iowa or New Hampshire.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)
McCain (Reuters)
But is he constitutionally qualified to become president? McCain was indeed born in the Canal Zone, and Article II of the Constitution plainly states that "no person except a natural born Citizen... shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Article II of the Constitution (FindLaw Internet Legal Resources)

Some might define the term "natural-born citizen" as one who was born on United States soil. But the First Congress, on March 26, 1790, approved an act that declared, "The children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond sea, or outside the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural-born citizens of the United States." That would seem to include McCain, whose parents were both citizens and whose father was a Navy officer stationed at the U.S. naval base in Panama at the time of John's birth in 1936.

"He meets the requirement of U.S. citizenship in order to be eligible for president," said McCain spokesperson Nancy Ives. (For the record, McCain says the only thing on his plate is his bid for a third Senate term in November, though he is seen as a shoo-in.)
It doesn't matter where he was born-- both of his parents are US citizens, natural born, which makes him natural born.

Besides, if he was born in Panama (and I don't know if he was), that means that he was born on a Naval base, as both his father and grandfather were admirals.

Not only that, but don't you think that his political opponents would have figured this out before Joe Nobody on talk radio?

Yes--I think his opponents would have been all over that. Thanks for clearing that up for me gonz.

Thank you Kathianne
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Not only that.............

But John was borne on a USMilitary base in Panama...his father being a Navy Officer..any child borne on a military base with US citizen parents in a foreign country is considered by law to be a Natural UScitizen as well as receiving dual citizenship for the country they are borne in!...This is surely just more anti-McCain propoganda from the far left! or anti-John from his own party!
But John was borne on a USMilitary base in Panama...his father being a Navy Officer..any child borne on a military base with US citizen parents in a foreign country is considered by law to be a Natural UScitizen as well as receiving dual citizenship for the country they are borne in!...This is surely just more anti-McCain propoganda from the far left! or anti-John from his own party!

Actually--I heard it from the right. The right does not like McCain (listen to them on consertative talk raido--any time of the day rignt now)--they know that he is really left--even if you don't realize that fact right now. We will all realize it if he gets elected in one year. If it came from the left--it would be on CNN or MSNBC--or any of them. Beleive me--the left likes McCain as much as Obamma--if not more.

He must not win the nomination--or we will effectively have no choice at all.

This is deck stacking at it's worst--and the dems are stacking it. Nobody wants McCain to win the nomination more than nut case liberials. If he wins the whole thing--wanna bet he chooses Hillery for VP?
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My daughter was born in Panama and she is a natural born citizen. Whoever believed McCain would be running while not eligible is retarded. Use your brain. I'm sure you could have figured out the answer for yourself.
But John was borne on a USMilitary base in Panama...his father being a Navy Officer..any child borne on a military base with US citizen parents in a foreign country is considered by law to be a Natural UScitizen as well as receiving dual citizenship for the country they are borne in!...This is surely just more anti-McCain propoganda from the far left! or anti-John from his own party!

why the 'but' that's what was posted.