I hope Kinky wins

Yeah, but it would be grand if he won. But what a protest vote for dissatisfied Texicans.

What is he about 10 percent in a four or five way race. The winner should get about 35 percent or less, but he is still along way from being competitive. Hey George "MACACA" Allen's campaign has been tied to a series of dirty tricks including calling Democrats and telling them they are going to jail if they vote. Looks like "MACACA" May be going to jail instead of the Senate. Last night he had only 250 people at his rally; and the great and wide Karl Rove didn't put a get out the vote effort in place in Virginia, I guess he felt that a voter suppression effort would serve just as well.

Yep either way would work, get the rebutlikens out to vote or bluff the demoncrats into staying home.
If this is all true, I hope Allen does time for it.
I wonder if Gonzales is stirring up the supremes getting them ready to declare republicans the winners ?