I just dont know what to say.



This country has gone insane.

Police: Ind. man forced 7-year-old to kill pet cat
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Digg del.icio.us Newsvine Reddit FacebookWhat's this?MUNCIE, Ind. (AP) — A man was jailed Thursday on charges he forced his 7-year-old daughter to kill the family cat by holding a knife in her hand and making her stab the pet.
Danield Collins, 39, told his children during a visit to his home on Sunday that he wanted them to "learn how to kill" and gave his 11-year-old son a knife to do it, according to an affidavit filed in the case.

The boy tried to save the cat by hiding it under a sofa bed and putting ketchup on a knife when Collins went to the bathroom. But when the father realized the cat was not dead, he forced his daughter to hold the knife and then held her hand tightly as he drove the knife into the animal, Muncie police Detective Jami Brown said.

Police said Collins stabbed and strangled the cat himself, and told his son to throw the dead pet in the trash. Officers retrieved the carcass to be used as evidence.

The children told family members on Monday, the day after the alleged killing, according to the affidavit. The children told police their father was drunk when they arrived at his home and that he's a different person when he's drunk, it said. The siblings live with their grandparents.
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Vision Quest.

This is a rite of passage that young male Native Americans would go through on the way to manhood. The Native American would usually go on this quest in the early teen years, no later than fifteen. The translation of vision quest in most Native American tongues literally meant "crying for a vision."

The preparation for this journey was often intense. It would start off with a long period of fasting and making preparations with the tribal Medicine Man. Then the young man would take an etheogen of some sort, usually peyote. Peyote was thought to tap one into the spirit world. Purified and tapped into the other side, the journeyer would go into the woods alone.

A normal Vision Quest usually lasted about four days. Some tribes would have additional objectives such as killing an animal but most tribes simply told the young warriors to go into the forest and not return for at least three days. During the quest the young man would feel the urge to leave and may even feel bouts of insanity creeping in. All of those things must be overcome during the journey.

Generally after a period of waiting some sort of physical manifestation would appear, usually a tribe spirit of a visual message of some sort. This would be something that would imprint itself on the mind of the journeyer forever. Many times prophecies about the young man's future would be revealed...

Ultimately these quests served to make a warrior highly aware of his place in the scheme of things. It helped them develop the mentality of being one with nature that would later serve them so well as hunters and warriors. A young man would return from these quests with his spiritual needs fully satiated so that he may focus his now streamlined energies to the betterment of the tribe.
you know they were terrified, the little boy actually tried to stage killing the thing. How effed up is that.
Yeah , the kids even tried to defend their Dad by saying he is like someone else when hes drunk.
Oh, desh, we have to discuss the details of my trip out to LV next week!

I can't wait to see you!
But you are nearly flogged if you imply that any parents do not know how to raise their kids. One reason for public Schools.
There are no qualifications to being a parent except being fertile.
But you are nearly flogged if you imply that any parents do not know how to raise their kids. One reason for public Schools.
There are no qualifications to being a parent except being fertile.

Yet home schooled kids perform at an average of four grade levels above their public schooled peers. Your statism makes you ugly.