I just gotta say...


Staff member

For a company that has no call center to contact when you need customer support Starlink (A division of SpaceX) has some pretty good support. I had to log into my backup interwebs to get a support ticket in, but I got it done, they checked on things and realized that a power interruption caused something to break in my system and they are sending me a new one no argument. I got it working about half speed.... so I am not without interwebs for the interim but a nice quick response and a quick resolution.

Though I fear what would have happened if I didn't have a backup internet to put in the ticket. LOL
they keep jacking up my monthly price because they can - as they know they saved our asses and provide high speed internet in regions that had none previously.
they keep jacking up my monthly price because they can - as they know they saved our asses and provide high speed internet in regions that had none previously.

This is a truth. Up by 10% since I started with them, and they artificially limit our speeds too because they know there is no better option for us.
This is a truth. Up by 10% since I started with them, and they artificially limit our speeds too because they know there is no better option for us.

A perfect example of America's underregulated private sector is my take.

I don't even believe in the private ownership of public utilities, broadband service included.

I'm sure we'd get more bang for the buck if they were state operated, not for profit.

Then again, that's what makes a progressive progressive.
A perfect example of America's underregulated private sector is my take.

I don't even believe in the private ownership of public utilities, broadband service included.

I'm sure we'd get more bang for the buck if they were state operated, not for profit.

Then again, that's what makes a progressive progressive.

If this were true then universities would be cheap. Instead they know that they will get paid no matter how expensive because of government underwritten loans so they push their prices higher creating the very problem you want to resolve by "forgiving" loans just giving money to the richest folks, you know.... college graduates making up to 250K per year (for a married couple). Making Billie, a welder with no degree, pay a premium price for your child's crappy indoctrination (oops I meant indoctrination... dammit... EDuctrination... Gaaaah... "education"... finally got it out... geebus, it's hard to pretend that it is still an education most times.)
Why would they limit speeds? To cram in more customers?

I think it opens more bandwidth to the business customers that pay a premium for more bandwidth. I just know that I was getting over 200 Mbps and they cut it back during peak times... Maybe they don't have as many satellites up there as they want us to think they do... limited "room" so to speak.
If this were true then universities would be cheap. Instead they know that they will get paid no matter how expensive because of government underwritten loans so they push their prices higher creating the very problem you want to resolve by "forgiving" loans just giving money to the richest folks, you know.... college graduates making up to 250K per year (for a married couple). Making Billie, a welder with no degree, pay a premium price for your child's crappy indoctrination (oops I meant indoctrination... dammit... EDuctrination... Gaaaah... "education"...)

Governments are under no obligation to fund private universities. They fund projects in private universities expecting to get actual value to society from their investment.
If they're doing that inefficiently, it's just because we're not electing the right government officials.

As for public institutions, they're almost completely taxpayer funded in civilized nations.
We've got quite a way to go before we can claim civilized status.

America's half-hearted commitment to education is depressing to even contemplate.
It's conservatives, not progressive sophisticates, who condone this.
A perfect example of America's underregulated private sector is my take.

I don't even believe in the private ownership of public utilities, broadband service included.

I'm sure we'd get more bang for the buck if they were state operated, not for profit.

Then again, that's what makes a progressive progressive.

this is a perfect example of a guy providing a valuable service and getting shit on for doing so by shitstains such as yourself

It is 2023. Yet Cable companies did not invest to bring this to rural areas. Nor did phone companies. Nor government agencies. Previous satellite internet solutions were not viable as they had horrible latency.