I just love this film

cancel2 2022

[ame="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115744/"]Brassed Off (1996)@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTcyMzg2NTk1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzYxMDMyMQ@@._V1._SX100_SY139_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMTcyMzg2NTk1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzYxMDMyMQ@@@@AMEPARAM@@SX100@@AMEPARAM@@SY139[/ame]

It's probably not well known, in the US, but I have to say it is one of the most brilliant films ever made. I love this version of Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez. I defy anybody to not get emotional, it just makes me want to cry every time I hear it.


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Yet another great scene from [ame="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115744/"]Brassed Off (1996)@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTcyMzg2NTk1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzYxMDMyMQ@@._V1._SX100_SY139_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMTcyMzg2NTk1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzYxMDMyMQ@@@@AMEPARAM@@SX100@@AMEPARAM@@SY139[/ame]

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1. No one cares about the UK or the films made in it, ever since you guys dropped your enslavements. -
2. Why does everyone in that band look 30?

4. I've played in a high school band. They don't sound that good. if they did, the director would come.

EDIT: It's not a high school band.
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Parts of the film make reference to the huge increase in suicides that resulted from the end of the coal industry and the struggle to retain hope in the circumstances.

I'd like to thank conservatives for all of these deaths.

Fucking plague on humanity...
1. No one cares about the UK or the films made in it, ever since you guys dropped your enslavements.

2. Why does everyone in that band look 30?

4. I've played in a high school band. They don't sound that good. if they did, the director would come.




And I'd like to thank Tom for showing me this. I think I'll watch it.

I quote from one of the reviews left on IMDB about this film.

You don't have to be a fan of brass bands to enjoy "Brassed Off", but it couldn't hurt. The music is a central focus of the film, but not as a compromise to the story of a town in turmoil. Coal mines being shut down in the name of progress puts many men out of work which naturally also jeopardizes the existence of the colliery band. The music combined with brilliant storytelling (and editing) is merely a platform for some superb acting, particularly from Pete Postlethwaite.

Having lived all my life in a large metropolitan city, I cannot relate first hand to the plight of a small town community. Despite that, I found the story intriguing even though it may seem the outcome is somewhat predictable.

Having just purchased the DVD, I found the brief write-up on the box to be way off the mark. It touts this film as some kind of romantic and hilarious comedy, never once even grazing past the real subject matter of the film. This is another perfect example of the continued miscalculated promotion of a truly well crafted film that "Muriel's Wedding" also fell victim to. I'm not sure what the promoters were thinking, but if you set someone up for a hilarious romantic comedy and what they receive is a thoughtful serious and sometimes depressing film, are they going to be happy just the same? There are graciously some light moments and humourous turns in this otherwise sombre subject matter, but this film doesn't have a happy ending. But it sure does have a moving one. Postlethwaite's performance hits you in an unexpected way and you'd have to have a heart of stone to not be moved by it.

Any success that the film enjoys now that's it's strictly on video, is likely to come from very strong word of mouth. I had been told how good it was and enjoyed it immensely. Now that I've seen it twice, and thus been twice moved, I wait for a reasonable time to pass so that I may watch and enjoy it again as I am bound to do.

Sounds Good Tom, Ill look for it.

I am glad to see a little love for the brass imstruments, they are used far too little in modern music these days.
How do they suspend disbelief? I mean, a miners' brass band is the thing they care most about when the mine is closing?