I just registered on "Hannidate"!


Will work for Scooby snacks
I just registered with “Hannidate”! The interweb's number one dating site for conservative singles, brought to you by Sean Hannity!:


Member Name: Christian E. Baptist
Member ID: 005551

Caucasian/White, 42
Single - Never married

General Information


I’m a straight man, who loves God, country, and George W. Bush (he looks good in blue jeans). I support the war in Iraq because the French helped Saddam hide the WMD in Switzerland.

I’m a sanitation engineer/garbage truck driver for the county of Hazard, Georgia. I spent all my life in Hazard, ‘cept when my Daddy took me to Atlanta one time to see a Braves game. I enjoy watching sports, NASCAR, Fox News, and I enjoy a romantic dinner over a cold six pack of Miller genuine draft with that special lady.

I like to fish, tip cows, and hunt squirrels with my 50 caliber semi-auto rifle. Rush Limbaugh is my favorite American ever, followed by Nathan Bedford Forrest.


Six feet tall, two hundred and eighty pounds - all muscle. I have some excess nose hair and body hair, and my Pappy sometime called me Chimp-boy - but don’t let that put you off. I’m a snappy dresser. I dress conservative, because I am a conservative.

Looking for

A conservative and religious girl. One who I ain’t related to (second-cousins are okay). That’s askin’ a lot in Hazard County. But, this is Hannidate, anyway, right? - gotta be some class chicks here. I want a gal who stays home, cooks, cleans, won’t holler at me to mow the lawn, and who tells me I look like Brad Pitt. A gal who likes the country life, and would someday like to travel with me to see the wide world yonder, outside of Hazard County: I hear them fellas in Alabama are downright nice folks.

Give me a holler if you like what ya hear!

My Pic

I'm checking out the freaks on Hannidate right now. Should I register and submit it? lol

LOL. I don't know, but if you get any bites, it will really encourage Bottleborne! There's an ass for every seat and I bet there's plenty of asses on that site.

Be careful though, you might reel in flabba!

LOL. I don't know, but if you get any bites, it will really encourage Bottleborne! There's an ass for every seat and I bet there's plenty of asses on that site.

Be careful though, you might reel in flabba!

I don't do date sites...my plate is pretty full...and Hannity et al are just entertainers...like you two! Now go play with each others fantasies!...Whatever the hell that is!...lol
I don't do date sites...my plate is pretty full...and Hannity et al are just entertainers...like you two! Now go play with each others fantasies!...Whatever the hell that is!...lol

I don't do date sites...my plate is pretty full...

I've been all over Nevada, dude. And outside of Las Vegas, there are more sheep than women in that State. And also....oh shit....wait.....never mind, I don't want to go there.


I don't do date sites...my plate is pretty full...

I've been all over Nevada, dude. And outside of Las Vegas, there are more sheep than women in that State. And also....oh shit....wait.....never mind, I don't want to go there.


Ya have been all over Nevada..maybe down South with Harry...I can believe that one...but the rest is pure BS!
I think you should post it Cypress, give us the user ID and password so that we can be thoroughly entertained.
I think you should post it Cypress, give us the user ID and password so that we can be thoroughly entertained.

Cool. User Name will be "Dixie". Something about that photo I posted just makes me think of our prodigal wingnut poster.
I just registered with “Hannidate”! The interweb's number one dating site for conservative singles, brought to you by Sean Hannity!:


Member Name: Christian E. Baptist
Member ID: 005551

Caucasian/White, 42
Single - Never married

General Information


I’m a straight man, who loves God, country, and George W. Bush (he looks good in blue jeans). I support the war in Iraq because the French helped Saddam hide the WMD in Switzerland.

I’m a sanitation engineer/garbage truck driver for the county of Hazard, Georgia. I spent all my life in Hazard, ‘cept when my Daddy took me to Atlanta one time to see a Braves game. I enjoy watching sports, NASCAR, Fox News, and I enjoy a romantic dinner over a cold six pack of Miller genuine draft with that special lady.

I like to fish, tip cows, and hunt squirrels with my 50 caliber semi-auto rifle. Rush Limbaugh is my favorite American ever, followed by Nathan Bedford Forrest.


Six feet tall, two hundred and eighty pounds - all muscle. I have some excess nose hair and body hair, and my Pappy sometime called me Chimp-boy - but don’t let that put you off. I’m a snappy dresser. I dress conservative, because I am a conservative.

Looking for

A conservative and religious girl. One who I ain’t related to (second-cousins are okay). That’s askin’ a lot in Hazard County. But, this is Hannidate, anyway, right? - gotta be some class chicks here. I want a gal who stays home, cooks, cleans, won’t holler at me to mow the lawn, and who tells me I look like Brad Pitt. A gal who likes the country life, and would someday like to travel with me to see the wide world yonder, outside of Hazard County: I hear them fellas in Alabama are downright nice folks.

Give me a holler if you like what ya hear!

My Pic


Why can't I stop laughing? You've broken me, Cypress.
Some conservative girls are very sexually frustrated. If you can time meeting them at the right time you could be in for some fun. Liberal girls though are still more fun as long as they aren't ultra weird like refusing to shave or something else equally gross
I can't believe the site actually exist.
Cypress you see like a well balanced educated libby. Why would you bash metally challenged wingnuts like that.:eek: