I kissed a girl and I liked it. Then I went to hell.

Well, this IS the kind of stuff that really gets God's attention. Start a war that kills 100,000+ innocents, but still go to church on Sunday? No biggie; you're still eligible for the express pass through the pearly gates. Kiss a girl if you're a girl? You're lucky you haven't been smote down yet, but it's only a matter of time before you're burning for an eternity.

I really hate the Old Testament...
Well, this IS the kind of stuff that really gets God's attention. Start a war that kills 100,000+ innocents, but still go to church on Sunday? No biggie; you're still eligible for the express pass through the pearly gates. Kiss a girl if you're a girl? You're lucky you haven't been smote down yet, but it's only a matter of time before you're burning for an eternity.

I really hate the Old Testament...

Me and Tiana are sooo screwed.
But what is a sin ? I was raised being thaught that going to movoes was a sin, so was dancing.
Unless in a holy roller mode in church, under the control of the holy spirit.
"so was dancing"

Growing up in the liberal northeast, I was pretty stunned when I first saw "Footloose." I thought they were making the whole thing up.
nope , will send you to hell in a heartbeat Onceler. :rolleyes:

See god made my back go bad so I can't dance much anymore....