I know its early, but very interesting to me! McCain loosing to Edwards!

Yes it is, but it can go either way. McCain might be the incarnation of Lucifer by then, but I can't see him showing up as Jesus Christ in the next two years.
Wow... Rasmussen has McCain losing to both Edwards and Obama. Too bad for the dems that both Edwards and Obama are losing to Hillary.... and Hillary is still losing to McCain.

Funny stuff.
Wow... Rasmussen has McCain losing to both Edwards and Obama. Too bad for the dems that both Edwards and Obama are losing to Hillary.... and Hillary is still losing to McCain.

Funny stuff.

That is funny, is Hillary really still loosing to McCain or is that old data?
I looked the Hillary data is old, from before McCain tanked. Senator Clinton would likely beat McCain if the poll were today.
Wow... Rasmussen has McCain losing to both Edwards and Obama. Too bad for the dems that both Edwards and Obama are losing to Hillary.... and Hillary is still losing to McCain.

Funny stuff.
This surprises you? You still haven't figured it out yet, have you? You all lose, no matter what!

HA HA HA HA HA ha ha ha ha ha!
Funny stuff is that the numbers showing McCain beating Senator Clinton are old. Before McCain tanked!
This surprises you? You still haven't figured it out yet, have you? You all lose, no matter what!

HA HA HA HA HA ha ha ha ha ha!

Yep pretty much. sigh...
Lucifer keep your ass out of our us politics or I will have to kick your little sulpher smelling butt around for a while .