APP - I like President Trump more and more


Former Vice President
Trump bans CDC from using words like 'transgender,' 'diversity,' and 'entitlement'

This is a huge blow to leftism as it chips away at the euphemisms they use to tear down our culture.

Kudos Mr President. Keep up the great work!
Not sure how anyone can like Trump. That's like liking the most obnoxious, loud mouthed rich boy who disrupts class and is rumoured to be "forceful "on dates. I think people who claim to like him only like the fact that democrats hate him.
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Not sure how anyone can like Trump. That's like liking the most obnoxious, loud mouthed rich boy who disrupts class and is rumoured to be "forceful "on dates. I think people who claim to like him only like the fact that democrats hate him.

no sir ,we are not about pc bs, we live in reality,i thank anyone that likes obama is about a free ride or being a social warrior and not about our constitutional republic.