How many times do you plan on posting this?
How many times do you plan on posting this?
How many times do you plan on posting this?
Ask your screwed up server. I sent a PM to Grind and asked him to delete it. Why don't you?
Did it move?
No, one bans ILA, the other doesn't. My guess is he wanted to ban him, so reposted it and sent somebody a PM for a delete. I don't know which to delete, so I'll let both stay so long as nobody complains about the video being porn. I have no interest in actually watching the thing to find out.
It's just men making out.
And I meant did "it" move as in you know...aren't you familiar with Seinfeld???
It's just men making out.
And I meant did "it" move as in you know...aren't you familiar with Seinfeld???
It's just men making out.
And I meant did "it" move as in you know...aren't you familiar with Seinfeld???
and of course grind and zappa will not have a problem with howey creating threads about ILA
Awwwwww....isn't this cute?
ButtHurtYurt has created ANOTHER thread dedicated to personally attacking another poster...this time he's stalking his new love Howey!
as i predicted, zappas has no problem with howey creating multiple threads about another poster, yet, zappas whines like a bitch when i create two threads about howey
more two faced whiny hypocrisy from the board complainer
cite where i said i have a problem with howey's thread. wait, you can't because i never said it and once again your resort lies.
why is it you don't have the same standards for howey when he creates threads about other posters? more two faced whining from you.
watch though...zappa will not berate him for creating a thread about me
what a whiny troll howey is
we are talking about this thread little lied and said i had a problem, i don't, you're just pissy because i was 100% right about your whiny double standards
i was 100% correct that you would not call out howey for creating multiple threads about a poster because you're a two faced whiny little boy