I love being a white male


on indefiniate mod break
feels great to be on top

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I love all the advantages I get. I love that we make more money on average. I love never being distrusted. I love never being looked down on. I love that we basically always have the presidency, virtually all of congress and the senate, and most of the supreme court. I love that we are the vast majority of corporate power. I love that I can go to a third world country and basically be a rock star.

Yup, it's pretty damn good to be a white male. :good4u:
As Chris Rock said 'it's so good to be white there's a white one-legged dish washer in the back that wouldn't trade places with my black *ss, and I'm rich.'
What an Imperialist Pig!

Its alright, we love us some white women. Just meet a few of our basic needs, and you get to live like a queen!! Just don't tell Asshate, though, because he's a sellout, and not worthy to lick a shine into your 4 in. stilettos(or any other part of your majestic proportions)!
However asshat does have serious developmental problems which can be traced back to his mother who I have no doubt, was a monster.

I do feel sorry for him though.
Don't buy it Threedee, Darla's hot. She's just being modest.

I've never seen her but never doubted it.

Stilleto heels are fine if you are into that sort of thing. But there are far more important attributes than footwear.