I LOVE me some good hilarity in the morning just to kick the day off right...


Well-known member
HERE is the left's queen for all to see. But get this........SHE, OF ALL THE PEOPLE,.......was the BEST the left had to offer! This is who YOU chose. :laugh: We KNEW that all we ever had to do was simply hand you the rope and sit back and wait. You fully complied....:)



That is one dumb old Ho. Better yet,........there is no hiding it! :laugh: Hey,....when your staff is screaming into the earpiece of the interviewer " Go to break!!! go to Break!!! end it ,....END IT!!! PLEASE END THE INTERVIEW....NOW !!! " that's when..........you KNOW you are fucked! :laugh:
Quite frankly It is best to treat people like Kamala like a play toy,.... You simply wind her up..,.....then let her go. Sit back and watch the fun! That's all we have ever had to do with people like that. You hand them a gun and leave the room. Idiots like that will always find a way to trip over the cat and somehow shoot themselves in the foot every time,...or in her case right in her own big fat ass. This is classic trade craft.........never disturb someone willing to destroy themselves while taking the whole party down with them. Instead you simply allow idiots to be idiots. ;)
You know what the truth is when it comes to just HOW BAD Kamala Harris is as a presidential candidate? I honestly believe that there are people right here on this small message board from the right or left who would have been a MUCH better candidate to run if they only had the name recognition and political experience. They would have came off FAR BETTER then she does. Here you go,...lets use Concart as an example simply because he is a solid D voter. We have all seen him post,...for years now. Disagree with him or not,...WAY HEAD AND SHOULDERS above someone like Kamala when it comes to general intelligence, the ability to think and process quickly and awareness of the situation at hand. Like,...not even close,...he would OWN HER like a clown. Now,...before Concart gets a big head let me be clear,....it wouldn't take much to rise above a moron like Kamala. Hell,....I'm pretty sure the bartender in our neighborhood beer joint would kick her ass sideways.

No doubt about it,...when this thing is over and Trump is victorious the Democrats will do their post mortem and here is what they will say............WE PICKED AN IDIOT so the loss is not on our beliefs and policies,...we just didn't have a good candidate. They will have learned nothing from the failure. The thing is......YOU CHOSE HER,...in fact YOU even greased the wheels for her...BIG TIME. So yes,...it is about a WHOLE LOT MORE than picking a bad candidate.
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When the Regime proclaims the obviously incompetent Harris the winner do know that the kick to the gut was intentional...as as well that Stone was not remotely smart enough to figure out what was going on.
When the Regime proclaims the obviously incompetent Harris the winner do know that the kick to the gut was intentional...as as well that Stone was not remotely smart enough to figure out what was going on.
Hubris killed the cat. WHY cant you learn that ? Oh well,........only a matter of time. Have a great Day hawk,...Im going to,...hopefully you do as well. :)