I love overtime

If your starting pay is $7.75, then congratulations on breaking the poverty line if you het 10 hours overtime weekly.
By the 2nd comment I meant nothing personal just that your low in the chain of command....or you'd be on salary with a bonus structure. What sort of welding do you do or are you a fabricator?

Right now it's all MIG, getting boats ready for the winter, especially the ice breakers, hence the overtime. A lot of the time I do TIG for private customers. Haven't had to do any oxy yet, but I keep the equipment on hand. And no, I don't do any fabrication, even though I can. They'd have to pay me more.
Sorta, it's AA&E as prescribed by the DOT, we deal with other stuff. But since I'm the only guy around who knows ANYTHING about it, it's part of my job too.
I used to train provide our drivers with their 24 hour DOT/HMR training and 8 hour annual refresher. I also gave a seminar every 6 months for our drivers who needed to take the hazmat endorsment test. I've done it so long now I have the DOT proper shipping names for quite a few UN#'s memorized. Pathetic huh?