I missed a job interview today because of this

Dangit. I don't want to see it. If I ignore it, it will go away....

I can't heeeeaaar you! "La, la, la... "

Freeway was closed, and I missed my interview. There's some fucked up messes in this country.

Who can do this and remain calm? Who can do this at all?

A lot of people I know miss interviews all the time because they are preoccupied with getting laid. The numbskulls don't seem to realize that you have to already be within the corporation before you can screw your way up the latter!
I was going to say.............

because you were drunk...but then realized you were talking about the monster that threw the toddler over the bridge onto on-coming traffic...that was really a sad state of affairs!
Try reading the link...........

A lot of people I know miss interviews all the time because they are preoccupied with getting laid. The numbskulls don't seem to realize that you have to already be within the corporation before you can screw your way up the latter!

before you go off in getting laid land.........

Ooooh!!! Scathing! Great burns guy!!! Wow!!!! You're so clever! How will I ever get over this?!!


you could start by demoting the little twirp from hot tub filler to hot tub cleaner...especially after the rowdy crowd gets out...;)