I pledge allegiance, to the flag



of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for.
man we were such little nazis. fervant patriotism is fucked up. if you look at any country that has such fervant patriotism, they are almost always primitive, stupid, and inferior.
Wow, a photoshop event where they added an American flag into a Nazi classroom...

I'm bored again.
Once I reached the age where I thought about this pledge I never spoke the words under god again.

I dont mind pledging to this country.
Wow, a photoshop event where they added an American flag into a Nazi classroom...

I'm bored again.

That was the salute children gave when reciting the pledge, when it was originally devised. It didn't have the same connotations back then, though.

I just think it's a little funny.
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That was the salute children gave when reciting the pledge, when it was originally devised. It didn't have the same connotations back then, though.

I just think it's a little funny.
Cool! I didn't know that. Of course, it now appears gross...

And, Desh, the "Under God" was added during the "Red Scare"... I can give it or take it, it isn't "sacred" IMO, it wasn't even there when it was originally written.

If a bomb blasts in the city he's in some day by some illegal terrorists he and his party want to grant carte blanche to, it will be a hoot to see who he will be pleading to as he looks to the heavens to save his scrawny a$$!

I say call on Allah! That way he won't offend his tender sensibilities before he's blown into chicken fertilizer.

If a bomb blasts in the city he's in some day by some illegal terrorists he and his party want to grant carte blanche to, it will be a hoot to see who he will be pleading to as he looks to the heavens to save his scrawny a$$!

I say call on Allah! That way he won't offend his tender sensibilities before he's blown into chicken fertilizer.


What does this have to do with anything I wrote?

I am more likely to get struck by lightning than die in a terrorist attack. Even in the worst circumstances imaginable I'm still far more likely to die of a heart attack. It isn't something I worry about because I put the risk in proportion.
What does this have to do with anything I wrote?

I am more likely to get struck by lightning than die in a terrorist attack. Even in the worst circumstances imaginable I'm still far more likely to die of a heart attack. It isn't something I worry about because I put the risk in proportion.

Could you speed that up and prove yourself correct?? :good4u:
What does this have to do with anything I wrote?

I am more likely to get struck by lightning than die in a terrorist attack. Even in the worst circumstances imaginable I'm still far more likely to die of a heart attack. It isn't something I worry about because I put the risk in proportion.

It has about as much a point as you posting this $hit and all the other provocative $hit you post in some pathetic quest for attention.

That's all you're about. Provocative $hit. Seeing how much of a reaction you get to being, in your mind, crafty, a maverick, a "thinker".

As I have said before; You're like the dumb kid who gets a kick out of farting in the elevator and then bailing as soon as the door closes.

You think you're shocking and it comes across as plain stupid.
It has about as much a point as you posting this $hit and all the other provocative $hit you post in some pathetic quest for attention.

That's all you're about. Provocative $hit. Seeing how much of a reaction you get to being, in your mind, crafty, a maverick, a "thinker".

As I have said before; You're like the dumb kid who gets a kick out of farting in the elevator and then bailing as soon as the door closes.

You think you're shocking and it comes across as plain stupid.

It's really not that provacative to me.
It has about as much a point as you posting this $hit and all the other provocative $hit you post in some pathetic quest for attention.

That's all you're about. Provocative $hit. Seeing how much of a reaction you get to being, in your mind, crafty, a maverick, a "thinker".

As I have said before; You're like the dumb kid who gets a kick out of farting in the elevator and then bailing as soon as the door closes.

You think you're shocking and it comes across as plain stupid.
Don't feed the troll.
The original Pledge began "I pledge allegience to my flag" instead of the "the flag." The change was made in fear that people would encouraged to salute other flags such as the Irish or German flags, instead of Old Glory...