I predict that Trump will not follow the path of Carnegie

“He who dies rich dies disgraced” - Andrew Carnegie.

Trump started poor with only a few hundred million from his pa, and reputedly turned it into several billions. Carnegie started with nothing and became the richest man in the world.

Carnegie gave away almost all his wealth to charities. Trump, while modestly trying to conceal his philanthropy, gave money to improve the lot of the less fortunate, especially fallen women.

Trump founded a university but without a Mellon. He wrote at least twenty books. Carnegie also wrote books, but he didn’t have to contend all his life with pseudologia (look it up).

Trump was the greatest president ever! Carnegie could have been second greatest, but he lacked our hero’s devotion to the good of the country and so never ran.
“He who dies rich dies disgraced” - Andrew Carnegie.

Trump started poor with only a few hundred million from his pa, and reputedly turned it into several billions. Carnegie started with nothing and became the richest man in the world.

Carnegie gave away almost all his wealth to charities. Trump, while modestly trying to conceal his philanthropy, gave money to improve the lot of the less fortunate, especially fallen women.

Trump founded a university but without a Mellon. He wrote at least twenty books. Carnegie also wrote books, but he didn’t have to contend all his life with pseudologia (look it up).

Trump was the greatest president ever! Carnegie could have been second greatest, but he lacked our hero’s devotion to the good of the country and so never ran.

I love good satire.
There is a very high chance that Trump will either be dead or be/have been inside of a prison cell by my birthday.

The Revolution crushes dissidents, and it is particularly bad because they are sadists......they get off on causing pain.
“He who dies rich dies disgraced” - Andrew Carnegie.

Trump started poor with only a few hundred million from his pa, and reputedly turned it into several billions. Carnegie started with nothing and became the richest man in the world.

Carnegie gave away almost all his wealth to charities. Trump, while modestly trying to conceal his philanthropy, gave money to improve the lot of the less fortunate, especially fallen women.

Trump founded a university but without a Mellon. He wrote at least twenty books. Carnegie also wrote books, but he didn’t have to contend all his life with pseudologia (look it up).

Trump was the greatest president ever! Carnegie could have been second greatest, but he lacked our hero’s devotion to the good of the country and so never ran.

Carnegie was born in Scotland, he couldn't run for President.
“He who dies rich dies disgraced” - Andrew Carnegie.

Trump started poor with only a few hundred million from his pa, and reputedly turned it into several billions. Carnegie started with nothing and became the richest man in the world.

Carnegie gave away almost all his wealth to charities. Trump, while modestly trying to conceal his philanthropy, gave money to improve the lot of the less fortunate, especially fallen women.

Trump founded a university but without a Mellon. He wrote at least twenty books. Carnegie also wrote books, but he didn’t have to contend all his life with pseudologia (look it up).

Trump was the greatest president ever! Carnegie could have been second greatest, but he lacked our hero’s devotion to the good of the country and so never ran.

"Fallen women" -- bwahaahahahahahahahaha!