i quit hookah


on indefiniate mod break
seriously, maybe I am just getting older.. but I can't handle that shit anymore. I'm knocked on my ass even a day later. It's like the smoke hasn't left my system. fucking hookah.
It's age Grind. I can't have sweets often or eat fast food (except volcano tacos) anymore. Which is fine because age has also given me a taste for gin, so I think I won out there.
Darla has to go 21 st century and get a vaporizer!
If not for the grid hipster points, for the 90 percent cleaner than smoke health affect.
Darla has to go 21 st century and get a vaporizer!
If not for the grid hipster points, for the 90 percent cleaner than smoke health affect.

I know I know. Actually someone here has already given me the whole lowdown on those and I did mean to buy one but you know what, I didn't. I guess I am just an old-fashioned girl! I will get it one of these days.
This is where I get outraged by your farm animal references when I have a girlfriend, but she is sympathetic to retarded Ohioans, so I will let it slide (at least she is an animal lover who takes in strays, close enough)...